
how to sand resin crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-11

How to Sand Resin Crafts

If you love creating resin crafts, then you know how important it is to sand your finished product. Sanded resin crafts have a smooth, polished finish that looks professional and clean. However, sanding resin can be a tricky process, and if not done properly , can ruin your creation. Here are some tips and tricks to make sure your resin crafts are sanded and polished to perfection.

Preparing your resin craft

Before you start sanding your resin craft, make sure it's properly cured. Resin takes time to fully cure, and if you start sanding it too early, you'll end up with a goopy mess. If you're unsure if your resin is ready , consult the packaging instructions. In general, most resins need at least 24 hours to cure properly.

Once the resin is cured, remove any rough spots or bumps with a craft knife. This will make the sanding process easier and more efficient. Use sandpaper with a grit of 120 to 220 to lightly sand any rough spots or bumps.

Choosing the right sandpaper

When sanding resin, it's important to choose the right sandpaper. A higher grit creates a smoother surface, but it takes longer to sand. A lower grit removes more material more quickly, but it can create a rougher finish.

For resin crafts, it's best to start with a grit of 320. This will remove any rough patches and provide a smooth finish. If you're looking for an even smooth finish, you can move up to a grit of 400 or 600.

Sanding your resin craft

Now that you have the right sandpaper grit, it's time to start sanding your resin craft. Start by sanding in a circular motion, making sure to cover the entire surface. Use light pressure as you sand, and don't sand in one spot for too long.

As you sand, periodically wipe down your resin craft with a damp cloth. This will remove any dust or debris and help you see where you need to focus your sanding.

Refining your sanding

Once you've sanded your resin craft with a grit of 320, it's time to refine your sanding with a higher grit. Move up to a grit of 400 and sand your craft in the same circular motion as before. Make sure to wipe down your craft periodically to see where you need to focus your sanding.

If you want an even smoother finish, you can move up to a grit of 600 or higher. However, keep in mind that the higher the grit, the longer it will take to sand.

Polishing your resin craft

Once you've sanded your resin craft to your desired smoothness, it's time to polish it. Use a polishing compound and a soft cloth to buff your resin craft to a shiny finish.

If you don't have access to a polishing compound, you can use toothpaste as a substitute. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cloth and gently rub it into your resin craft. Wipe off any excess toothpaste with a damp cloth and buff your craft with a dry cloth.


Sanding your resin craft is a crucial step in creating a polished, professional-looking finished product. By using the right sandpaper grit, sanding in a circular motion, periodically wiping down your craft, and polishing it with a compound, you'll have a resin craft that looks like it was made by a pro. So, go ahead and start sanding your resin crafts today to take them to the next level!

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