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How to Glue Resin Figurines Back Together

How to Glue Resin Figurines Back Together


Resin figurines are cherished pieces of art and decor in many homes. They’re often a source of joy and beauty because a lot of precision and care was put into making them. A good resin figurines manufacturer will offer incredible pieces that can last forever. That being said, unexpected things happen all the time and accidents are a part of life.

Just know that if your resin figurines ever get scratches, dents, holes, or even break, there are things you can do to restore them. Today, we will provide you with a simple step-by-step guide to help you repair your resin figurines if you ever need to.

If you don’t feel like repairing them is something you can do on your own, don’t worry. You can still turn to experts and professionals who can restore your resin pieces for you. Still, don’t be afraid to learn the helpful skill of repairing resin figurines on your own. Without further ado, let’s get into it!


What Are Resin Figurines?

Resin figurines are just figures made from resin, a resilient and versatile material that can be molded and modeled into many different designs. Resin artisans demonstrate incredible craftsmanship through their designs because they’re super detailed and beautifully painted.

As pieces of art, resin figurines have always been popular. Especially among collectors. They’re also used as pieces of decor for any space. Resin figurines are lightweight but durable, so they’re more resistant to damage and breaking than, say, ceramic. Even so, it’s important to care for them well to avoid any unnecessary damage.


What Makes Resin Figurines So Precious?

Before we dive into the process of repairing resin figurines, let’s discuss why these art pieces are so precious for collectors, hobbyists, and anyone who appreciates them:


1. They feature intricate details

Resin's ability to capture fine details makes these figurines incredibly lifelike and visually stunning. Whether it's the texture of fur on an animal figurine or the delicate features of a human sculpture, the craftsmanship, and attention to detail are always incredibly clear on resin figurines.


2. They’re highly durable

As mentioned before, resin is very durable and that’s because it’s a sturdy material. It’s the kind of material that can last for generations if you take care of it. It’s not as susceptible to damage as porcelain or other materials, which is great if you want to collect resin figurines for the long term.


3. Resin figurines are versatile

Resin's versatility allows artisans to create figurines in a wide variety of styles and themes. From classic and elegant designs to whimsical and fantasy-inspired creations, resin figurines cater to a wide range of tastes and styles. In other words, you’ll have no issues finding resin figurines to suit your aesthetic.


4. They are very easy to maintain

Resin figurines don’t demand much when it comes to maintenance. You just have to remove dust every once in a while, give them a good clean at least twice a year, and keep them away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and humidity.


How to Glue Resin Figurines in 6 Simple Steps

When a resin figurine breaks, it can seem like there’s nothing you can do to save it. However, that’s far from the truth. With a little patience and the right adhesive for the job, you can glue your resin figurine back together.

Here are the list of supplies you’ll need to get:

● Epoxy resin adhesive

● Disposable mixing cups

● Disposable stirring sticks

● Nitrile gloves

● Fine-grit sandpaper

● Clamps or rubber bands

● Small brush

● Cotton swabs or toothpicks

Step 1: Prepare the workspace

Before you start, make sure you choose a well-lit workspace and give it a good clean. There shouldn’t be any dust or debris around. Otherwise, it will get in the way and it may affect the adhesive. Also, make sure to protect the surface of your workspace with a covering to catch any drips or spills.


Step 2: Clean the broken edges of the resin figurine

To get started, take fine-grit sandpaper and clean the broken edges of your resin figurine. When the figurine breaks, the edges are rough and that texture can affect how strong the adhesive bond is. So, gently sand the broken edges until they’re smooth.

Step 3: Mix the adhesive

In step 3, you need to use the nitrile gloves to prepare the epoxy resin adhesive. Read the instructions from the manufacturer and make sure to follow them. Most epoxy resin adhesives only require you to mix equal parts of hardener and adhesive. Use a disposable cup for that and stir it well using a disposable stirring stick. This will activate the adhesive, so make sure you stir for the specified amount of time.


Step 4: Apply the adhesive

Now that the adhesive is ready for use, take a small brush and apply a thin layer of the product to the broken edges of the resin figurine. Make the layer as even as possible and make sure the adhesive is all over the broken edges.


Step 5: Align the pieces and press

Next, align the broken pieces together and press firmly. If you need to, you can use rubber bands or clamps to hold the resin piece together while the adhesive sets. However, don’t make it too tight or it will cause additional damage.


Step 6: Remove the excess and let it cure

Now, you just need to remove the excess adhesive while it’s still wet. To do that, simply take a cotton swab dipped in acetone or rubbing alcohol. You could also use a toothpick for this. Then, just let the adhesive set for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer of the epoxy resin adhesive. Once it’s fully cured, you can inspect the figurine carefully. If necessary, use the sandpaper to buff out any imperfections.

Final Words

Even if you follow the care and maintenance instructions from your resin figurines manufacturer, accidents are bound to happen. Before you discard any broken resin figurine, use this guide to try to glue it back together and welcome it back to its special place in your home. 

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