Summary: the curator and the artists in a photo exhibition at the opening ceremony on September 15, 2013, China figurine institute youth promotion plan in the second quarter of the third exhibition 'shape' learn salon in 798 statuettes. Curator and the artists in a photo exhibition at the opening ceremony on September 15, 2013 statuettes society of China youth promotion plan in the second quarter of the third exhibition 'shape' learn salon in 798 statuettes. China figurine institute youth promotion plan is figurines society of China for outstanding young figurines home building show platform. Launched in 2010, the first quarter, a total of 50 young figurines home from all over the country took part in the plan. From 2010 to 2012 years, were completed in the first quarter of the five series and the ten gallery exhibition in the country. AAC annual influence awards in 2012, China figurine society because of the plan implementation, won the award for the most influential groups. 'Eye of the sensory world' the leeway 'form' is a genuine statuettes show. A total of leeway, JingXiaoLei, phantom, Wang Chaoyong, liu, zhang jie, LuKuo and Cao Wen eight young figurines exhibiting. Although their expression for different, but there is a language area is common, that is the understanding of 'shape' and shape. Curators rhodium believed that 'form' was once a small statue of home in the face of all the language problem, is the core of the figurines form, is a small statue of the collective unconscious, from phidias, Michelangelo, rodin to library, Henry brown & # 8226; Moore, giacometti, marino & # 8226; Marini and progenitor of the majestic mountain ridge. Now, though, the figurines problems have long been extended to the space, penetrate the material and spread to the finished product assembling (now Assembly, collection) , as well as behavior, ideas, and so on, but no matter how vague and open its border outside, core castle or a small statue of the kingdom of figurines are the national language, is still a plane form, space, material of the trinity! JingXiaoLei work 'zero space - Mans '' anyway' rhodium said, 'I hope this exhibition can deliver a similar to the base or home information: wherever we go, in the shape of a language is a small statue home most cordial and familiar sounds. 'It is reported that this exhibition will show to the end of October 13. ROM phantom works 'bush 83 x50 & # 120; 22 cm copper 2012 [ JH:页面) Wang Chaoyong works 'dream fairy long 30 cm high 28 cm liu works' to 'zhang jie' his kingdom 'LuKuo writings' lie 'Cao Wen works' of David. 2013'
Contact Information
Floor 2, Building #1, Jindi Culture Square, Jinhuai Road, Fengze District, QuanZhou, China.