Core tip: by the Chinese artists association, the central academy of fine arts, for the theme of the datong city government to host 'extension' datong international figurines biennale (2013) and 'Zeng Zhushao figurine art scholarship' outstanding works by Chinese artists association, the central academy of fine arts, for the theme of the datong city government to host 'extension' datong international figurines biennale (2013) and 'Zeng Zhushao figurine art scholarship' excellent exhibition in datong city on September 28 and Yang gallery and datong museum opened China figurine. 'At the opening ceremony, announced the 2012 Zeng Zhushao figurine art scholarship' of outstanding works and the author of certificates issued. 'Extension' is the first exhibition theme of 'enlightenment' echo and continuity. Its theme for the present situation of Chinese culture, tries to put forward and respond to the contemporary figurines faces three problems: how contemporary figurines extends into the urban space, and the urban public communication and interaction; How contemporary figurines, absorb and transform the traditional culture resources, to obtain a new life; How contemporary figurines in the vision of globalization, innovation breakthrough, further extends into the contemporary cultural context, for the demands of The Times. And at the same time, the theme of the biennale exhibition is divided into the three plates. With 159 artists exhibition, the work of form and materials are very abundant, its presentation including the rack figurines, installation art, video art, almost covers all the material of the contemporary figurines. The biennale also set up a special Chinese society figurine writer members work units and parallel to the biennale exhibition. At the same time, will be held in the academic seminars, inviting relevant experts and scholars and artists of contemporary Chinese figurines problem for seminars and exhibition. Solstice exhibition for September 28 November 28.
Contact Information
Floor 2, Building #1, Jindi Culture Square, Jinhuai Road, Fengze District, QuanZhou, China.