Zhejiang 'clay figurine Mi' sui generis 'leaders' expression vividly _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-20
Core tip: 'the head of the figure,' leaders '/' in the glass box, expression exaggeration and vividly. Colorful little person recalled childhood memories, the clay sculpture visitors all bent over to scrutiny. Exaggeration of 'the head of the figure,' leaders '/' in the glass box, expression exaggeration and vividly. Colorful little person recalled childhood memories, the clay sculpture visitors all bent over to scrutiny. Exaggerated deformation, vivid style, full of tension lines, 23, arts and crafts master, zhejiang province Mi scenery of the clay sculpture works exhibited in winter of the west lake, one of the distinctive modelling clay figures seemed to take visitors back to the happy days of childhood kneading mud. Clay sculpture art of China can be traced back to the neolithic period from 4000 to 10000 years ago, is an ancient and common folk arts. Clay sculpture in qing dynasty, has formed the two famous schools: the north of tianjin 'clay figurine zhang', the south XiHui mountain clay figurine. But up to today, the 'clay figurine Mi' of zhejiang province has jumped in addition to the aforementioned two factions of the third largest faction. Although the clay is an ancient folk art, but in today's show, to watch with some students in fashion. In the face of these folk craft, they are holding the novel attitude, but also has a unique appreciation vision. 'What of these? 'In the face of Mi landscape master' Chinese drama best face ', many visitors have to stoop and scrutiny. 'To hold hundreds of similar to the size of the face, but also on the draw one by one color, it was kind of hard to imagine'. 'Adept guard the entrance, dilettante watch the scene of bustle,' but whether connoisseurs or layman, the visitors all marvel. It is understood that this is the picture 'kung fu', has won the zhejiang arts and crafts exhibition of 'creation'. 'This is not Bill Clinton? 'In front of the head of the world people clay sculpture works, the visitors are looking for the familiar faces. Leaders 'bending' of the glass box, different expression, expression exaggeration and vivid, with visitors a word to describe, 'so funny! 'Today's exhibition in addition to master the clay sculpture works, also on display are brush sketch of his characters. The line is concise, vivid, image kind of sketch is also popular with visitors.
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