Yue minjun big face painting works part of the figurine nanjing exhibition debut at the same time, Figure)

by:Ennas      2020-05-30
Core tip: on April 8th, an audience at the art institute of nanjing museum appreciate works of yue minjun. The contemporary Chinese artist yue minjun 'big face painting' personal exhibition was held in nanjing college of art gallery on April 8, an audience at the art institute of nanjing museum to appreciate works of yue minjun. The contemporary Chinese artist yue minjun 'big face painting' personal exhibition held in nanjing college of art gallery, more than 30 pieces of paintings on display at the exhibition covers the yue minjun created in 2005 to 2013 of all types of painting, divided into 'epidermis' 'portrait' again 'overlap' 'maze' and other series, exhibition and display part of yue minjun figurine works. ( The Xinhua News Agency)
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