Xu Hongfei figurines 'fat ladies' tour Sicily

by:Ennas      2020-05-27
Core tip: southern daily Sicily ( Correspondent/li ho) On the night of August 31 local time, Chinese figurines home Xu Hongfei 11 with his fat female figurines, let small town on the Italian island of Sicily sapphira southern daily Sicily ( Correspondent/li ho) On the night of August 31 local time, Chinese figurines home Xu Hongfei 11 with his fat female figurines, let small town on the Italian island of Sicily safi rana, etna erupted. Overnight, the city lights, hung with the five-star red flag of China, the band played up the Chinese national anthem, the city's mayor said excitedly, Chinese contemporary artist came to etna, is the honor of our city. The Sicilian culture officials also arrived from balak king of moab, capital to take part in the festival, with the Italian national TV took exhibition. Figurines in the day, the mayor of guangzhou dean Xu Hongfei held a press conference, the local artists, art museum curator, art, a professor at the school were there, they praise of Xu Hongfei writing: fat female figurines that they see the joy in life, it is in the sicilians values. Catania art director, said in Europe and in Italy in the present economic crisis, welcomed China's art to the Italian hit a shot in the arm. The second leg Xu Hongfei this to Sicily is overseas tour. The 'fat ladies' series of figurines to Sicily, is the new Xu Hongfei after visiting Australia, including a fat female horse, which is designed for the town of mount etna ( In April this year eruption) , after the show will be stored permanently in city hall.
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