Xinyu figurines masters series and Guo Bao village home exhibition kicked off in hebei academy of fine arts

by:Ennas      2020-06-04
Core clew: on June 1, by the hebei academy of fine arts, central academy of fine arts figurine institute hosted 'spoken Chinese figurines masters series and Guo Bao village home exhibition' figurine institute in hebei academy of fine arts on June 1, by the hebei academy of fine arts, central academy of fine arts figurine institute hosted 'spoken Chinese figurines masters series and Guo Bao village home exhibition' opened figurine institute in hebei academy of fine arts. The exhibition on display for Mr Guo Bao village casting bronze figurines, pottery, zhisu reliefs. In addition to more than 60 pieces of small sculpture exhibition, the exhibition hall to show 7 sketch works. Exhibition will last until July 1. These bearing people memories of rural figurine works exhibited in hebei academy of figurine courtyard pavilion. 'Figurine institute in hebei academy of fine arts and the development of China's social synchronization, held the exhibition is to make the college students, and the exhibition of citizens in every historical period in different cultural situation presents its own unique look. At the same time, the era also calls for the return of the spirit and reshape, call the power of the artist to re-examine figurine art, calling on the Chinese aesthetic spirit of inheritance and carry forward. The principal ZhenZhongYi introduction 'hebei academy of fine arts, the exhibition is figurine institute pavilion built exhibition for the first time since the famous statuette Guo Bao village teachers, please come back home to do exhibition is not only his fame, more weight is given to miss guo art academic value, make college students feel really top works, from feeling connotation of works of art creation, it can't learn from textbooks. In addition, he also revealed that this year figurines pavilion exhibition has full, there will be more art masters at hebei academy of fine arts. It is understood that the hebei academy of fine arts in hebei province is the only one in the national recruitment of ordinary full-time bachelor of fine arts college, was founded in 1986. At the beginning of the school, that is, adhere to the 'work-integrated learning' school concept, in order to cultivate knowledge of new science and technology culture art talent as own duty, for approximately 10 countries of different types of professional talents of fine arts. 'In order to burnish these works city immersed for a long time. 'The exhibition works, the author of the original figurine institute, deputy director of the central academy of fine arts, famous Guo Bao figurines home village, the exhibition mainly small sculptures, also just created in recent years, although is the new work, but for the sake of better performance, these works can cost a lot of time and thought. The content of the work is also their life experience of rural subjects, these works represent the five, 60 s life condition, is himself a recollection of that era. Can be said to be of the exhibition theme of 'home' a interpretation. According to introducing, Guo Bao village is member of Chinese artists association, vice chairman of China figurine society, a former central academy of fine arts figurines first, deputy director of the art research institute. His works have thought, philosophy, has a soul, life, bones and muscles, level, have grade, have interest, spirit, poetic, have permanent vitality, exaggeration, deformation, imagination, abound change. In addition, the exhibition for the academic seminar Guo Bao village exhibition. Part of the exhibition: 'to', 'organic' 'August' the donkey, Eva second 'dried crataegus pinnatifida'
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