Wuhua District Administration for Industry and Commerce puts obscene toys and horrible toys on the list of destruction

by:Ennas      2021-12-01

Yesterday, the Wuhua District Industry and Commerce Bureau concentrated on displaying various counterfeit and shoddy goods investigated in 2013, with a total value of 217,000 yuan, involving liquor, substandard mobile phones, food, etc. Among them, obscene toys and horror toys appeared in the destruction list for the first time.   On the occasion of the 'March 15 International Consumer Rights DayIn 2013, the Wuhua District Administration of Industry and Commerce investigated and handled more than 40 cases of manufacturing and selling counterfeit products, with a case value of more than 1 million yuan. The counterfeit and inferior commodities destroyed this time have been seized in special law enforcement operations since 2013, involving all aspects of production and life of the masses. The items destroyed mainly included 59 bottles of counterfeit Moutai, 54 bottles of Wuliangye, Jiannanchun and other liquors, 182 bottles of infringing Red Bull drinks, 22 substandard mobile phones, 973 counterfeit printer toners, toner cartridges, and ink cartridges, counterfeit packaging boxes, packaging bags, and merchandise There are 3,056 labels, more than 300 kilograms of unqualified food, 122 toys that affect the physical and mental growth of young people, with a total value of 217,000 yuan. Wu Rongyan, head of the Consumer Rights Protection Section of the Wuhua District Administration of Industry and Commerce, said that among the counterfeit and inferior goods destroyed this time, the number of high-end liquor, ink cartridges, toner cartridges and other commodities has increased, while the number of fake brand-name clothing and shoes has decreased. . In addition, obscene and scary toys appeared for the first time in the goods destroyed this year. 'These obscene and horrible toys were checked in the shops at the entrance of the campus when we were renovating the surrounding environment of the campus. Many toys are pornographic, and some are bloody and scary, which seriously affect the physical and mental growth of young people.' Wu Rongyan said. In addition, the 9 industrial and commercial branches under the Wuhua District Administration for Industry and Commerce will set up designated service stations in their jurisdictions around March 15 to issue the revised 'Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China' to consumers. (Referred to as 'New Consumer Law') related publicity materials, and accept on-site consultation. Wu Rongyan said: 'In the information we released, all 11 new clauses were explained. For example, consumers have 'regrets all' within seven days, and the legal compensation amount can reach 2.4 million yuan, so that consumers can understand more intuitively. The content of the'New Elimination Method'.'
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