
Wu figurine art international tour

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: Italy, director-general of the department of cultural heritage and activities of heritage fabric qi attended the opening ceremony, the exhibition and the small sculpture 'sleeping boy' fondle admiringly. 'Wen xin cast soul' for the national museum in Italy Italy, director-general of the department of cultural heritage and activities of heritage cloth qi attended the opening ceremony, the exhibition and the small sculpture 'sleeping boy' fondle admiringly. 'Wen xin cast soul' recently held in the palace in Venice, Italy national museum in Rome, 33 pieces of small sculpture exhibition, extension to December 21. Exhibition by the Chinese ministry of culture, the Italian cultural heritage and activities, and the Chinese embassy in Italy, China academy of art, Roman art institute, nanjing university. Venice palace in Rome, one into the exhibition hall, is in the Italian Renaissance masters leonardo Da Vinci and the modern Chinese painting master qi baishi as the subject of the dialogue through time and space, the work described in the form of a unique, artistic technique, to the surrealism idea shows like two masters beyond time and space of cultural dialogue, and expresses the author's deep feelings about china-italy has a long history and culture between the two countries, to respect and to master of art and cultural exchange, send best wishes. Wu to the visiting guests were introduced to Lao zi, Confucius, zu chongzhi, li bai, zheng he, lu xun in the history of Chinese culture and history of science masters such as statues of result, the thesis introduces the creation of 'Confucius asked in Lao zi', 'sleeping boy' won international awards and works. Finally killing the nanjing massacre memorial hall by the Japanese invaders particularly explains the sculpture creation background and great influence in the international community. In August, the exhibition is the wu figurine art show at London's Royal Academy of fine arts exhibition, the United Nations headquarters in New York in September again after the exhibition international tour, but Chinese artists for the first time in the Renaissance art temple with a history of more than five hundred years. Exhibition spoke highly of by people from all walks of life in Italy. Italian cultural heritage and activities of heritage fabric's secretary said: like both has the rich cultural resources, glad to see such a high level of Chinese contemporary art to display in Italy. Mr Wu delivered a speech way: 'my pleasure my figurines to exhibit the UN headquarters in New York since September this year, today again across thousands of miles into the world to a small statue of Rome. These works, from Lao zi to the sleeping child, time span nearly three thousand, leonardo Da Vinci and qi baishi in space across the Eurasian two continents, they stand in Venice palace this sacred hall with friends from all the dialogue. Bronze statue of a audio, small stone sentient beings, have a soul. 'Exhibition period, the Roman downtown main street plaza is a work of wu pictures, Italy's most influential republic sheet of the reporting and Europe more than 50 mainstream media, including the BBC reported.
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