Why will rust tripod for art? _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-19
Core clew: 1, the humidity problem: if too much moisture in the air, thus generated by chloride corrosion of cuprous chloride, after oxygen and moisture, generates the loose powder base copper chloride, 1, humidity problem: if too much moisture in the air, thus generated by chloride corrosion of cuprous chloride, after oxygen and moisture, generates the loose powder base copper chloride, if not checked, will constantly internal copper corrosion, make its surface rust and peeling. 2, the temperature problem: temperature basically will not influence on the bronze ware, unless is normally of high temperature. 3, can't let bronze surrounding temperature, humidity change quickly, because the bronze ware in quenching heat will be affected, and even natural fracture. Several simple tripod for cleaning method: 1. Kerosene, was cleaning: first cloth dips in kerosene wipe again, and then use was to wipe, can remove rust. 2. The vinegar to embroider method: green the rust on the bronze utensils, cloth dip vinegar, add a pinch of salt or cuttlefish bone cleansing, can be removed. 3. Sea salt scaling method: if the corrosion is very serious on the bronze utensils, can put salt into the melted wax, with this solution is wiped, eliminates the rust. 4. Lemon juice cleaning: if she gave birth to rust on the bronze utensils, lemon juice and salt to wipe to remove are available, and if you want to make it more bright, available packages of cigarettes tinfoil or add a few salt to wipe sawdust, the effect is very good. 5. Talcum powder, fine wood derusting method: use 160 grams of fine wood, 60 grams of talcum powder, 240 wheat bran and son together, add in 50 grams of vinegar, mix into a paste, besmear is on rusty bronze, after the wind blow dry, rust can remove wipes with cut onion onion derusting rusty knife, hand to rust. The vinegar rust removing copper products such as a rusty spot, with vinegar scrubbed clean immediately. Aluminum products have rust, can be soaked in vinegar in the water, The proportion of vinegar and water according to the degree of rust, rust heavier or the bigger the area, the amount of vinegar to rise) Then remove them clean, will be bright and clean like new.
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