
why resin won't dry

by:Ennas      2023-06-09

Why Resin Won't Dry: Common Causes and Solutions

Resin is a popular material for crafting, woodworking, and home décor projects. It is versatile, comes in various colors and finishes, and is easy to work with. However, resin doesn't always dry properly, causing frustration and wasted time and money .In this article, we will explore the common causes why resin won't dry and solutions to prevent or fix the issue.

Cause #1: Humidity

Humidity is one of the most common causes of resin not drying. Resin requires a dry and well-ventilated environment to cure properly. If the humidity level is too high, the resin will absorb moisture from the air and remain tacky or sticky, even after the designated curing time. High humidity can also lead to bubbling, cloudiness, and distorted finish.

Solution: Check the humidity level in your workspace with a hygrometer. Ideally, the humidity should be between 40-60%. If it's higher than 60%, turn on a dehumidifier or air conditioner to reduce the moisture in the air. You can also cover your resin project with a plastic dome or tent to prevent moisture from getting in during the curing process.

Cause #2: Wrong Mixing Ratio

Another common cause of resin not drying is an incorrect mixing ratio of resin and hardener. Resin and hardener need to be mixed in the proper ratio to achieve a chemical reaction that results in a hard, durable finish. If too much hardener is added, the resin will cure too quickly and become brittle or crack. If too little hardener is added, the resin will cure slowly or not at all, and remain sticky or soft.

Solution: Follow the manufacturer's instructions and measure the resin and hardener precisely with a scale or measuring cups. Use a clean and dry mixing container and mix the components thoroughly for several minutes, scraping the sides and bottom of the container to ensure even distribution. You can also double-check the mixing ratio by using a resin calculator or resin testing kit.

Cause #3: Incorrect Temperature

Resin curing time and quality can also be affected by the temperature of the environment and the materials. Resin requires a specific temperature range to cure properly, depending on the type and brand of resin. If the temperature is too low, the resin will cure slowly or not at all, and may develop soft spots or uneven texture. If the temperature is too high, the resin can cure too quickly or warp and crack.

Solution: Read the manufacturer's instructions and recommended temperature range for the resin you are using. If necessary, use a thermometer or temperature gun to monitor the temperature of the workspace and the resin components. Keep the temperature within the recommended range by adjusting the room temperature , using a heat lamp, or preheating the resin and hardener bottles before mixing.

Cause #4: Contamination

Resin can be contaminated by dust, debris, or other materials that get into the mixing container or the project surface. Contamination can cause the resin to have spots, bumps, or streaks, and prevent it from curing properly. It can also affect the color or transparency of the resin, making it look cloudy or discolored.

Solution: Clean and prepare the workspace and the project surface before using the resin. Use a lint-free cloth or paper towel to wipe off any dust, hair, or debris. Keep the mixing container covered until you're ready to use it, and avoid touching the inside with your fingers or other objects. You can also use a vacuum cleaner, air blower, or compressed air to remove any residual debris before applying the resin.

Cause #5: Old or Improperly Stored Resin

Resin has a shelf life and can deteriorate over time, especially if it's exposed to sunlight, heat, or moisture. Old or improperly stored resin can have a yellowish or brownish color, emit a strong odor, or become lumpy or thick. It may al so Have a reduced curing strength or take longer to cure than fresh resin.

Solution: Check the expiration date of the resin before using it and discard any expired or yellowed resin. Store the resin and hardener components in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. You can also use airtight containers or zipper bags to protect the resin from moisture and air exposure. If you're not sure whether the resin is still good, conduct a small test project or contact the manufacturer for advice.


Resin is a fantastic material that offers endless creative possibilities. However, resin won't dry properly if it's exposed to humidity, wrong mixing ratio, incorrect temperature, contamination, or old or improperly stored resin. To prevent or fix resin drying issues, use the solutions we've outlined above, follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, and be patient and precise in your resin projects. Happy crafting!

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