Why only worship the land does not worship shiva _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: the earth also known as ford is god, is our country folk common faith of god. Earth temple is one of the most of Taiwan's temple, the temple. On the earth, there are many folk legends, someone said he male raw land and called ford is god, is our country folk common faith of god. Earth temple is one of the most of Taiwan's temple, the temple. On the earth, there are many folk legends, some people say that his death was a carry and not condition of physical death, god raised him to land after the death of god. Some say he was in the zhou dynasty gauger, named Zhang Fude, fair, compassionate people suffering, done a lot for the good of the people. After his death, the succession of disciple cupidity, people's suffering. People miss Zhang Fude benefits, build temple sacrifice for him, and he is god for ford. And some say he is an ancient great being Tang Su, often with their own property to relief for the poor, and his own house have not reduced. After his death is considered a public land. Later generations think land property is a heaven to follow, using them all. Therefore, there are a lot of business in society today, on the first day, 15, ( Or 2, 16) Must go to sacrifice to the earth, to pray for peace. Although farm has public land in the field of earth temple, also with the 2nd Mrs Ford, but the average person seldom worship shiva land. Legend centimeters to the property, human mother objected to land. She worried that the property is split between human, oneself will be poor. She knew that if the poor have no money to buy rice to eat, did not have money to buy the clothes wear, people looked down on, even when in the future to marry her daughter can't even hire bearers. It is said that because she is against the property is split between the human and led to a disparity between the rich and the poor in society. So people are no longer worshipped her.
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