
why do some crafting resins boil

by:Ennas      2023-06-26

Resin is a popular crafting material used by artists, hobbyists, and DIY enthusiasts worldwide. It is a versatile and durable substance with a wide range of applications. From jewelry making to furniture manufacturing, resin is used to create stunning and function al pieces. However, one problem that many resin users face is the boiling of their resin. Why does resin boil, and what can be done to prevent it?

Understanding Resin

To understand why resin boils, it is essential to know what resin is. Resin is a synthetic polymer compound that is formed from the reaction of two or more chemical components. It can be a liquid or a solid, depending on its intended use. Resin is widely used in construction, art, and manufacturing industries because of its unique physical and chemical properties.

Types of Resin

There are many different types of resin, each with unique properties. Some of the most common types of resin include:

1) Epoxy resin- Epoxy resin is a popular type of resin that is commonly used for laminating, coating, and bonding purposes.

2) Polyester resin- Polyester resin is a type of resin that is used in the construction and marine industries. It is also used for molding small objects like figures, toys, and decorative pieces.

3) Acrylic resin- Acrylic resin is a type of resin that is used in the automotive, construction, and furniture industries. It is known for its ability to form clear, durable coatings.

Why Does Resin Boil?

Resin boils because of a phenomenon called exothermic reaction. Exothermic reactions occur when two or more chemicals mix, and the resulting chemical reaction produces heat. In some cases, the heat can be so intense that it causes the resin to boil.

Factors That Cause Exothermic Reactions

Several factors can cause exothermic reactions in resin, leading to boiling. Some of these factors include:

1) Mixing too quickly- When mixing resin, it is essential to take your time and mix it slowly to prevent the production of too much heat.

2) Mixing too much- Over-mixing resin can also cause it to boil because of the exothermic reaction.

3) Using outdated resin- Resin that has expired or become contaminated can also cause exothermic reactions.

4) Using incompatible materials- Mixing different types of resin or adding incompatible materials to resin can also result in exothermic reactions.

5) High temperatures- Resin that is exposed to high temperatures can also boil because of the exothermic reaction.

Preventing Resin Boiling

Preventing resin from boiling requires careful handling and adherence to proper mixing instructions. Here are a few tips to prevent resin from boiling:

1) Mix the resin slowly- Take your time when mixing the resin and avoid over-mixing it.

2) Mix the resin in small batches - Mixing the resin in small batches can help prevent it from overheating.

3) Keep the resin cool- Store the resin in a cool place before using it to prevent it from getting too hot.

4) Use the right equipment - Use the recommended mixing equipment when mixing resin to prevent over-mixing.

5) Use fresh resin- Only use fresh, uncontaminated resin to avoid exothermic reactions.


In conclusion, resin boiling can be a frustrating problem for those who use this material. Fortunately, it is preventable through proper handling and adherence to mixing instructions. By understanding the causes of exothermic reactions, you can take the necessary steps to prevent resin from boiling Always follow the recommended mixing instructions, use fresh resin, and keep the resin cool to avoid this problem and create beautiful resin crafts with ease.

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