
why can't i craft condensed resin

by:Ennas      2023-06-26

Why Can't I Craft Condensed Resin?

In Genshin Impact, one of the most useful items you can craft as you progress through the game is condensed resin. This item is crucial for players who want to make the most of their time in the game, allowing them to quickly and easily farm domains for rewards. However, some players have reported that they are unable to craft condensed resin for some unknown reason. In this article, we will take a closer look at why this might be the case.

What is Condensed Resin?

First, let's take a moment to talk about what condensed resin is and why it is so important. Condensed resin is a crafting item that players can use to skip the usual cooldown period on domain challenges. Normally, players need to wait for 20 hours after Completing a domain before they can earn rewards from it again. However, if they use a condensed resin, they can bypass this cooldown and immediately earn rewards.

This is incredibly useful for players who have limited time to play or who want to make the most of their resin. Condensed resin cannot be bought with primogens or other currencies, so players must craft it themselves using materials they gather in the game.

Why Can't I Craft Condensed Resin?

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter. If you have found that you are unable to craft condensed resin, there are a few reasons why this might be the case.

1. You haven't unlocked the recipe yet.

The most obvious reason why you might not be able to craft condensed resin is that you haven't unlocked the recipe. To unlock the condensed resin recipe, you need to reach Adventure Rank 35 and complete a quest called 'In the Mountains.' Once You have completed this quest, the recipe will be unlocked and you can start crafting condensed resin.

2. You don't have the required materials.

Assuming you have unlocked the recipe, the next most likely reason why you can't craft condensed resin is that you don't have the required materials. To craft one condensed resin, you need to have 1 crystal core and 40 original resin. Crystal cores can be found in mines around the world, while original resin is earned by completing ley line outcrops, domains, and weekly bosses.

If you don't have enough of these materials, you won't be able to craft condensed resin. Make sure you are actively farming these resources and don't waste them on unnecessary tasks.

3. Your crafting bench is not high enough level.

Another potential issue is that your crafting bench is not high enough level to craft condensed resin. To craft condensed resin, you need to use an alchemy bench that is at least level four. If your bench is not this high level, you won't be able to craft the item. Make sure you upgrade your crafting bench as soon as you are able.

4. You are trying to craft it in multiplayer mode.

Finally, it's possible that you are trying to craft condensed resin while in multiplayer mode. Unfortunately, you cannot craft condensed resin while playing with others. You will need to switch back to single player mode before you can craft the item.

In conclusion

Overall, condensed resin is an incredibly useful item in Genshin Impact, allowing players to earn rewards faster and more efficiently. If you are having trouble crafting it, make sure you have unlocked the recipe, have the required materials, and are using a high enough level crafting bench. With a little patience and effort, you'll be crafting condensed resin in no time.

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