White pottery humanoid Gui ( The new stone) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-19
Core tip: white pottery humanoid Gui neolithic longshan culture relics, unearthed in 1960 in weifang city, shandong province, now in shandong province museum. 29. 7 cm. In many ancient cultural relics, the human body white pottery humanoid Gui neolithic longshan culture relics, unearthed in 1960 in weifang city, shandong province, now in shandong province museum. 29. 7 cm. In many ancient cultural relics, the human body and its traditional plastic arts is an interesting and mysterious topic. Man is the essence of all things, it is with the person model shape, reflects the primitive people's understanding of the natural world and creation. The painted pottery pot is not simply shaped the human body, but the human model on the pot, may have a more complex meaning. With fine clay pot of red clay. Exposure to drum abdomen small flat, lower abdomen have ears. Neck slightly crooked, are five fuwa pictures, and the rest for the zigzag line. Abdominal above ears draw two big circle lines, and meanwhile filled with checker, and apply a frog grain before and after. Only positive central frog grain omit, floating plastic coloured drawing or pattern the body like the gap. Full frontal human body, the head model in the neck, facial features are complete, flaps and zhang the mouth is very outstanding. Hand and foot by the mud symmetry model, the hands carefully, bipedal is rougher, body protruding navel and breasts, nipples have painted with black color. The female reproductive organs by small sculpture is completed, is to be placed in the middle of the body is, and the jug of center position. In pottery female human body, may be due to a kind of worship of the mother, adopt the adornment is associated with the idea of human reproductive, abdominal long drum ceramic containers ( Such as pot) , it is a type a symbol of fertility. Plastic, ceramic POTS with a mysterious concept and survival carrier of fertility desire, increase the status of it in the clan life, also make it a prehistoric process in a rare treasures in China.
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