
Which resin is best for crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-10

Resin crafting is an exciting and versatile way to create beautiful jewelry, decorations, and other items. However, choosing the right resin for your project can be overwhelming, as various resins offer different properties and characteristics.

In this article, we will dive into the world of resin and help you figure out which resin is best for your crafting needs.

Understanding Resin

Resin is a liquid substance that, when mixed with a hardener, solidifies into a durable and glass-like finish. Epoxy resin and polyester resin are the two most popular types used for crafting projects. Both epoxy and polyester resins come in two parts - the resin and the hardener. When combined together in certain ratios, the two parts initiate a chemical reaction that cures the resin and creates a hard and durable material.

Choosing the Right Resin

When it comes to selecting the best resin for your craft project, several factors come into play, including the type of project, the desired finish, and the for application.

1. Project Type

Consider the type of project you want to create when selecting a resin. Epoxy resin is best suited for jewelry and coating surfaces like tabletops, while polyester resin is better for large projects like sculpting and casting.

2. Finish

If you're looking for a high-gloss, glossy finish, epoxy resin is an excellent option. However, if you want a matte or satin finish, polyester resin is the way to go.

3. Application

Think about the desired application when selecting a resin. If you're creating jewelry, you might want a resin with minimal bubbles that can be easily mixed and poured. For a more extensive project, a resin with a longer curing time may be more appropriate .

Types of Resins

1. Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is a popular choice for crafting and jewelry making due to its ability to cure quickly, offering a high gloss and long-lasting finish. It is also highly resistant to UV light, which means it won't yellow over time. Epoxy resin is perfect for coating surfaces like tables or countertops.

2. Polyester Resin

Polyester resin is another popular choice for crafting, and its advantages include cheaper price point, less sensitivity, and limited health risks. Polyester resin is suitable for casting, embedding large objects, or creating sculptures.

3. UV Resin

UV resin is a specific type of epoxy resin that cures instantly when exposed to ultraviolet light. Its fast curing feature makes it ideal for small projects that require a quick and immediate fix.

4. Polyurethane Resin

Polyurethane resin is a slower-curing option that offers excellent clarity and resistance to yellowing. It can be used for casting and making molds for replicas.

5. Silicone Molding Resin

Silicone Molding resin is the go-to choice for creating molds of small objects and parts. It is a quick-curing, flexible, and non-sticky resin that can provide excellent detail in casting projects.


In summary, choosing the right resin for your crafting project is essential to ensure its success. Consider the type of project, desired finish, and application when choosing a resin. Whether you choose epoxy resin, polyester resin, or another type altogether, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and enjoy the creative and beautiful outcome.

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