
where to buy resin epoxy for crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-05

Have you ever come across beautiful resin crafts online or in-store and wondered how you can make your own? Resin epoxy is a popular material used for various art projects, from jewelry to home décor. However, finding the right resin epoxy for your project can be a challenge. In this article, we will guide you on where to buy resin epoxy for crafts and what to consider before making a purchase.

Understanding Resin Epoxy

Resin epoxy is a two-part polymer that consists of a harderener and resin. When mixed together in the correct ratio, they form a durable, high-gloss finish. Resin epoxy is versatile and can be used on different types of surfaces, including wood , glass, metal, and ceramics. It can also be dyed to create different colors and effects.

Where to Buy Resin Epoxy for Crafts

There are several places where you can buy resin epoxy for crafts, including:

1. Arts and Crafts Stores

Arts and crafts stores such as Michaels, Joann, and Hobby Lobby are excellent places to buy resin epoxy. They stock different brands and sizes, making it easier to find the perfect resin for your craft project. In addition, these stores often have known geable staff who can guide you on the different types of resin available and how to use them.

2. Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces such as Amazon and Etsy are great platforms to buy resin epoxy for crafts. They offer a wide variety of brands and types, making it easier to find a resin that suits your project. However, it's important to read reviews and do research on the seller before making a purchase.

3. Specialty Stores

Specialty stores that focus on art and craft supplies may also have resin epoxy available. These stores may offer a greater selection of high-quality resin and provide expert advice on how to use it.

4. Hardware Stores

Hardware stores such as Home Depot and Lowes may also have resin epoxy available. However, their selection may be limited compared to arts and crafts stores.

5. Directly from Manufacturers

Some resin epoxy manufacturers sell their products directly to consumers. This option may offer more competitive pricing and direct access to technical support. However, it may require more research on which manufacturer to choose and their product offerings.

Factors to Consider When Buying Resin Epoxy

Before making a purchase, it's important to consider the following factors:

1. Type of Resin Epoxy

There are different types of resin epoxy available, including casting resin, coating resin, and UV resin. Each type has different properties and is suited for specific applications. For example, casting resin is ideal for creating 3D molds, while coating resin is perfect for creating a high-gloss finish.

2. Safety

Resin epoxy can be hazardous if not used properly. It's important to read and follow the manufacturer's safety instructions, such as wearing protective gear and working in a well-ventilated area.


The quality of resin epoxy can vary depending on the brand and type. It's important to read reviews and research the brand before making a purchase.

4. Price

Resin epoxy can range in price depending on the brand, type, and size. It's essential to consider your budget when making a purchase.

5. Availability

Some types of resin epoxy may be more challenging to find, depending on your location. It's important to research where you can find the specific type of resin you need before making a purchase.


Resin epoxy is a popular material used for various craft projects. Finding the right resin for your project is essential to achieve the desired results. Whether you choose to buy from an arts and crafts store, online marketplace, specialty store, hardware store, or direct ly from manufacturers, it's essential to consider the type of resin, safety, quality, price, and availability before making a purchase. With the right resin and proper technique, you can create beautiful and unique resin crafts!

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