
what resin to use for crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-06

Resin Crafts: Choosing the Right Resin for Your Project

Resin crafts have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people creating unique pieces of art and decor using different types of resins. However, choosing the right resin can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to the world of resin crafts. In this article, we will discuss the different types of resins available and help you choose the right one for your project.

Understanding Resin

Resin is a synthetic material made from a combination of chemicals that, when combined, form a polymer. When the polymer cures, it hardens and creates a waterproof, durable plastic-like material. There are different types of resins available on the market today, each with unique properties and uses.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is one of the most popular resins for crafting purposes. It is a two-part resin that must be mixed together before use. Epoxy is known for its strength and durability, which makes it perfect for creating tabletops, countertops, and jewelry. Epoxy resin is available in a range of colors and can be pigmented to create stunning designs.

Polyester Resin

Polyester resin is another popular type of resin used in crafting. It is a one-part resin that cures through a chemical reaction with a catalyst. Polyester resin is often used for creating small decorative items, such as coasters, keychains, and figurines. It is not as strong as epoxy resin, but it is less expensive and easier to work with.

Polyurethane Resin

Polyurethane resin is a versatile two-part resin that can be used for a variety of crafting projects. It is known for its flexibility, which makes it ideal for creating molds and casting objects. Polyurethane resin can be used to create decorative pieces, sculptures , and even cosmetics.

Silicone Resin

Silicone resin is a two-part resin that cures into a rubber-like material. It is often used for creating molds or casting objects. Silicone resin is flexible and durable, which makes it ideal for creating molds of intricate objects or creating cosmetics.

Choosing the Right Resin for Your Project

When choosing a resin for your project, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important is the purpose of your project. If you are creating a decorative piece, you may want to choose a resin that is easy to work with, such as polyester resin. If you are creating a tabletop or countertop, you will need a strong, durable resin like epoxy resin.

Another factor to consider is the curing time of the resin. Some resins cure quickly, while others take longer. If you are working on a time-sensitive project, you may want to choose a resin that cures quickly, such as polyester resin. You have more time to work with, you may prefer a slower-curing resin like epoxy resin.

Finally, consider the cost of the resin. Epoxy resin is generally more expensive than polyester resin, but it is also stronger and more durable. If you are on a tight budget, polyester resin may be a better option.


Choosing the right resin for your project can make all the difference in the final result. By understanding the different types of resins available and their unique properties, you can choose the resin that will work best for your project. Whether you are creating a decorative piece or a functional countertop, there is a resin that will meet your needs.

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