What is the high relief? _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-07
Core tip: high-relief due to a higher, thicker, less body compression degree, so its space structure and shape features is closer to the round, and even some local treatment completely using the round's handling of high-relief due to a higher, thicker, less body compression degree, so its space structure and shape features more akin to round, even part of the local processing completely using the round way. High-relief often use of three-dimensional space form ups and downs or exaggerated, forming concentrated space depth of feeling and strong visual impact, make the embossment art has a kind of special expression for image and charm. French famous building and the arc DE triomphe in Paris Charles DE gaulle square relief starting in 1792, is the masterpiece of high relief. Artists will round with the handling of relief the successful combination of overlapping fault, ups and downs, to fully exhibit characters of complex hierarchical relationships, give a person with strong sense of, the visual impact that happen.
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