
what is the best resin to use for crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-06

Crafting has become a beloved hobby for many people, with resin application being a popular technique. From jewelry making to home decor, resin can add a beautiful finish to your creative projects. But, with so many resin options on the market, selecting the best one can be intimidating. In this article, we will discuss the best resin options for crafts, their characteristics and what to consider when choosing one.

What is resin?

Resin is a viscous material that originates from organic sources like trees or is made in a laboratory. It is used in many applications like adhesives, casting materials, fibers and coatings. When it comes to crafts, epoxy resins and polyester resins are the most commonly used.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is a two-part mixture consisting of a hardener and a resin that when combined, creates a strong, clear surface. Epoxy is a widely used adhesive in many industries because of its versatility, durability and strength.


- Epoxy resin is the most popular resin for crafts because it is clear and lends a high-gloss finish

- It is versatile and can be used on different surfaces.

- It is self-leveling and easy to apply without the risk of excessive forming or bubbles.

- If you are looking for a food-grade resin for cutting boards, coasters or countertops, epoxy resin is a good option.


- Hardens quickly, so it may be challenging to work with if you need more working time for bigger projects.

- It can be more expensive than polyester resin.

- Epoxy is not UV resistant and may yellow over time if it is exposed to sunlight.

Polyester Resin

Polyester resin is a low-cost resin mixture that is also a two-part application, consisting of hardener and resin. Compared with epoxy resin, it has a weaker bond and a slower curing time. It is not recommended for intricate or fine detailed work .


-It is more affordable than epoxy resin

- It is thinner, so it can penetrate the object's surface and bond well with other materials.

- It is a good option for larger-scale projects, like boats and automotive parts.


- Compared with epoxy, it is more prone to yellowing and cracking and is generally not as robust.

- It does not work well with delicate projects or material, as it can damage the surface fill in small cracks and chips.

- Polyester resin is also toxic, and proper ventilation is required in the area in which you are working.

UV Resin

UV resin is a popular option due to its fast curing time and minimal odor. Like epoxy and polyester, UV resin is also a two-part mixture, but instead of containing hardener and resin mixture like other types of resin, it hardens under UV light .


- It is easy to use and dries quickly under UV light.

- UV resin hardens clear and is great for adding a top coat to other materials like paper, photos or jewelry.

- It is not as toxic as other types of resin.

- UV resin is ideal for small-scale projects and fine details.


-It can be more expensive than other resin types

- If you do not have access to a UV light, then it may not cure correctly.

Other questions to consider:

Will the resin be clear or opaque?

What is the project you are working on, and what finish are you trying to achieve?

What is your budget?

What is your level of expertise with resin application?

In conclusion, different types of resins have their pros and cons. It is essential to choose the correct resin based on your project, preference and expertise. Understanding each type, the finish it yields, and the environment in which optimal curing occurs is crucial. When selecting a resin, carefully read the instructions and follow the recommended safety procedures. By choosing the correct resin and taking precautions, you can create beautiful and durable crafts that will stand the test of time.

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