
what is the best glue to repair resin figurines

by:Ennas      2023-06-15

When it comes to resin figurines, accidents happen - they can easily chip, break or require some maintenance. Fortunately, there are a plethora of glue options available that can help repair them back to their original condition. This article will guide you thr have the different types of glue you can use to fix your resin figurines, the different techniques for the repair, and the best way to go about it.

Understanding the types of glue

Before delving into the types of glue that can be used to repair resin figurines, it's important to understand that some glues work better with certain materials than others. Additionally, some types of glue might work better for temporary repairs, while others are more suited for permanent restoration. The following are some types of glue that you can use to repair your resin figurines:

1. Epoxy glue

Epoxy glue consists of two parts that need to be mixed together. When applied to the surface, the mixture hardens in a few minutes. This glue is known to be very strong, making it a great option for repairing resin figurines.

2. Super glue

The most popular type of glue that is used for repairs, super glue encloses the broken surface tightly together, making it ideal for small cracks or chipped corners. However, it is important to note that super glue dries up quickly, making it less suitable for large surface restoration.

3. Polyurethane glue

This type of glue is also designed for use on plastic and metals due to its great strength. Polyurethane glue can often expand when it dries, which helps to fill in small gaps and spaces in the damaged section.

4. Cyanoacrylate glue

Cyanoacrylate glue, also known as CA glue or 'crazy glue', is a fast-drying glue that is ideal for repairing small parts of the resin figure. The glue is also known to dry instantly, so it is important to work quickly and with precision.

5. Craft glue

This type of glue is suitable for resin figurines that have minor damages and require touch-ups. It is a versatile and multi-purpose glue that can be used to glue sand or other materials back onto the figure.

Techniques for repairing resin figurines

Different types of resin figures require different restoration techniques. For example, if a figure has a large crack in it, it may be necessary to glue the parts back together, fill in the gaps, and sand the surface to match the rest of the figure However, for small cracks that do not take away from the figure's overall appearance, applying a small amount of glue using a toothpick may do the trick.

Here are some restoration techniques that you can use to repair your resin figurines:

1. Filling

If the damaged part of the resin figurine is missing, it might be necessary to fill it in with an epoxy putty filler. This helps ensure the restoration is strong enough to hold up in the area that was damaged.

2. Sanding

If there are rough spots on the figure after restoration, sanding can help smoothen the surface and blend the repaired part with the rest of the figure.

3. Painting

If the resin figurine you are working on has a painted surface, it is important to ensure that the paint perfectly matches the surrounding area.

4. Supporting

It is best to support the damaged area with tape before applying the glue so it won't move around or lose shape while you are gluing it.

5. Clamping

Before gluing the parts together, it is important to clamp or hold them together for a few minutes to let the glue dry and hold a stronger bond.


In conclusion, fixing resin figurines can be an easy task if you know how to choose the right glue and understand the appropriate methods for its use. Different types of resin figurines will have different techniques, so it's important to identify your specific ne eds before getting started . Remember to work slowly and carefully and keep safety in mind, providing a firm, secure, and lasting repair.

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