
what is resin for crafts

by:Ennas      2023-07-06

What is Resin for Crafts?

If you are a fan of DIY projects, you might have come across resin as one of the key craft supplies. Resin has rapidly gained popularity in the crafting world over the years, and it's not difficult to see why. It's a versatile material that can be used to create a variety of items. However, if you're new to this crafting material, you're probably wondering what is resin for crafts?

What is Resin?

Resin is a synthetic material that is made up of two parts, which when mixed produces a hard, glass-like surface. Resin is made from two components, the resin and the hardener, both of which must be mixed together in order for the reaction to take place. Once mixed, the resin generates heat, gradually hardening and forming a clear and smooth surface.

Resin for Crafts

Resin is a versatile material that can be used to make a wide range of crafts, such as jewelry, coasters, trays, and more. It's an excellent material for making crafts that require a glossy, glass-like finish. The popularity of resin in crafting circles has been due to its versatility, which allows it to be used in a wide variety of projects.

Types of Resin

There are two types of resin to choose from: epoxy and polyester resin. Epoxy resin is widely used for crafting purposes due to its versatility. Epoxy is durable, long-lasting, and can be mixed with a variety of materials such as pigments, glitter , or even dried flowers. Polyester resin has similar properties to epoxy but is less expensive, making it a popular choice for large projects.

How to Use Resin for Crafts

Using resin for crafts can be very rewarding. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use resin for crafting:

1. Choose a work surface. It is essential to select a work surface that is heat resistant and tough.

2. Choose the type of resin. Decide whether you want to use epoxy or polyester resin for your project.

3. Prepare the area. Make sure that your work area is clean, dry, and free of dust.

4. Measure the resin and hardener. Using a measuring cup, measure out the right amount of resin and hardener.

5. Mix the resin and hardener. Mix the resin and hardener together using a stir stick or a mixing tool. Stir the mixture for around 3-5 minutes.

6. Add color or glitters. If you want to add color or glitter to your resin, this is the time to do so. Mix them well with the resin and harderener.

7. Pour the mixture. Once the mixture is completely mixed, pour it onto your work surface.

8. Pop the bubbles. To eliminate any bubbles formed during the mixing process, lightly blow on the surface of the resin or use a heat gun.

9. Allow the resin to dry. Once poured, allow the resin to dry based on the manufacturer's instructions.


Resin is a versatile and durable material that can be used for a wide range of crafts. Using resin for crafting can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, resin is a fantastic material to work with. So go ahead and try resin crafting today!

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