What is formed by casting copper figurines?

by:Ennas      2020-06-23
Core clew: the first step: the design draft, redo mud, mud draft ready before plaster mold, plaster mould stripping after grinding the redo wax models, round steel reinforcement of the reoccupy after finished the wax models. Step 2: strengthening the first step: after the design draft set out, to do mud, mud draft ready before plaster mold, plaster mould stripping after grinding the redo wax models, round steel reinforcement of the reoccupy after finished the wax models. Step 2: after reinforcement with gypsum 10 centimeters thick, with driving them into the oven to burn 600 degrees, 7 days or so to see it all dry, dry reoccupy after driving out of the oven. Step 3: put has good copper water poured into the plaster mould, after two hours will cast off his appearance. The steel boxes out, reoccupy grinding machine polishing, polishing liquid medicine of the reoccupy after coloring, color after the completes the whole process.
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