
what is craft resin

by:Ennas      2023-07-06

Craft Resin: Everything You Need to Know

Craft resin is becoming increasingly popular for artists and DIY enthusiasts. It has many properties that make it the perfect medium for a variety of projects. Craft resin is a clear, glossy, hard, and durable coating that can be poured over surfaces to create a protective and beautiful finish. In this article, we will answer some commonly asked questions about craft resin.

What is Craft Resin?

Craft resin is a two-part epoxy resin that is mixed together just before application. When the two parts are mixed, the chemical reaction begins. This reaction creates a hard and glossy surface that can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including wood, concrete, metal, stone, and more. Craft resin comes in a range of sizes to suit different projects, from small jewelry-making projects to larger furniture pieces.

What Are the Benefits of Using Craft Resin?

1. Durability: Craft resin is incredibly durable and resistant to scratches, chemicals, and UV rays. This makes it perfect for use on surfaces that will be exposed to wear and tear.

2. Versatility: Craft resin is incredibly versatile and can be used on a wide range of surfaces such as wood, concrete, stone, and more.

3. Clarity: Craft resin is clear and glass-like when it cures, which allows it to enhance the natural beauty of the surface it's applied on.

4. Low maintenance: Craft resin is low-maintenance and easy to keep clean. It doesn't require any special treatment or cleaning products.

5. Versatile: Craft resin is a versatile medium that can be used in a variety of ways, from coating and sealing surfaces to creating jewelry and other artistic creations.

How Is Craft Resin Used?

Craft resin is easy to use for beginners and experienced DIY enthusiasts alike. It requires mixing of two parts, the epoxy resin and the hardener, in equal amounts. Once mixed, the resin is poured onto the desired surface and then spread with a brush or roller. It can be used to create a clear and durable surface on a variety of surfaces.

What Projects Can You Use Craft Resin For?

1. Jewelry making: The properties of craft resin make it perfect for jewelry making. It can be used to create clear and durable coatings on jewelry pieces.

2. Decorative coatings: Craft resin can be used to create decorative coatings on a variety of surfaces, including furniture, stone, and concrete.

3. Tumblers: Tumblers are a popular DIY project using craft resin. The resin can be applied to the inside of the tumbler to create a clear and durable coating.

4. Resin art: Craft resin can be used in art projects to create beautiful and unique pieces.

5. DIY wood projects: Craft resin can be used to coat and protect wooden furniture and surfaces, such as countertops and tables.


Craft resin is a versatile and durable medium that can be used for a variety of projects. It is easy to use, low-maintenance, and incredibly durable. With craft resin, your projects will have a clear and glossy finish that enhances the natural beauty of the surface it's applied to. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced DIY enthusiast, craft resin can help you create beautiful and lasting projects.

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