What does a dollhouse that is much more expensive than a real house look like?

by:Ennas      2021-11-08
Miniature artist Elaine Dee is mainly responsible for the construction of the Astorat Doll’s House, but she has also collaborated with many artists from all over the world. According to Wikipedia, the structure of the interior and connecting parts of the mini-castle were based on the highest standards of the time, and it took a full year to complete the exterior.     Doll’s House Castle is currently valued at US$8.5 million. Such a high price depends on many factors. One of them is the structure itself-the castle has a copper roof, and its wooden walls are made of concrete paper with artificial stone finishes on the surface. When the audience looks inside the castle, they will also find that some of the exterior wall panels have a 3D effect. In addition, there are some walls that can be moved or opened for 360-degree viewing.     In addition, the 30,000 high-quality miniature objects collected together with the castle also add value to it. These items are made of real gold, sterling silver, and other delicate materials such as lapis lazuli. Among them, 10,000 items are placed in the miniature castle, including miniature furniture such as miniature home tables, chairs, shelves, retro cots, miniature artworks, decorations, and lighting equipment. All these items are from the hands of the **** artist. The castle has 7 floors, with various stairs, halls, floors, mirrors, tapestries, golden chandeliers, paintings and fireplaces, all of which lead to the small towers of the wizards on the top floor. The small towers contain telescopes and the zodiac. . These furnishings are said to reflect seven different eras and styles. The basement has rooms of the Knights of Columbus, wine cellar, kitchen, and armory. On the first floor there is an entrance hall, a central staircase and a butler’s wardrobe. On the second floor there is a main living room, a dining room, and a music room with a balcony. The bottle in the castle bar contains real alcohol, and the restaurant has a set of silver tableware worth $5,000.     The fourth floor of the castle may be the most interesting one. There is a small library where the books can be read under a magnifying glass. The collection here includes a miniature Bible and a miniature book of laws. The library also has a foldable desk worth $2,500, a gorgeous fireplace, and a pile of guns for dueling. The fifth floor is mainly composed of bedrooms, which contain handmade tapestries, plush fabrics and miniature marble bathrooms with real toilet paper. Paula Gilhooley, curator of      Museum, said: Astorat is the best miniature architecture in the world. It presents a rare combination of sculpture, art, engineering and details, which sets it apart from any other miniature architecture. When you see it, you will be too surprised to speak.     Until 1996, the castle of the Doll’s House was on display in Elaine Dee’s private museum store in Arizona. Later, the castle was transferred to the Nassau County branch of the New York Museum of Art, and recently it was displayed in the Columbus Circle store. The proceeds from the exhibition were donated to major children's charities.   Obviously, most of us can’t afford such a miniature castle, but it’s nice to see it through photos.
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