
Treasure gold bronze sculptures introduced why put animal figurines

by:Ennas      2021-07-31
Core tip: often watch TV friend is there such a discovery: many on both sides of a prominent family in front of the family put the animal figurines, such as copper kylin, copper, bronze lions and so on. Did you know they are always watching TV friends such a discovery: many on both sides of a prominent family in front of the family put the animal figurines, such as copper kylin, copper, bronze lions and so on. Do you know why they put in front of the door animal figurines? Treasure gold tripod introduce everyone in front of the door put animal figurines of reason! 1, put the animal small statue is a symbol of status, passers-by a look will know that this is eminent family; 2, put the animal figurines can give people bring good luck, get rid of the bad luck; 3, in addition to get rid of bad luck, still can town house to ward off bad luck, add home auspicious; 4, there is only as landscaping, decoration to put in the front. In the present life, animal figurines, more people are put in the park, square, shopping malls, hotels and other places of the door, to attract visitors.
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