Toys robbed? Dogs have a way

by:Ennas      2021-11-04
Guangzhou Daily News What should I do if toys are always robbed? A foreign netizen recently uploaded a video on Youtube about the love and hatred of toys between two dogs at home. In the video, a Corgi and a Labrador are grabbing a white toy. After both sides use their mouths to stalemate, Labrador is the first to give up the toy. But then, Labrador grabbed another green bone toy from another place, and when Corgi rushed to grab it again, he quickly let go and took away the original white toy.   Many netizens couldn't help but praise after reading it: Labrador is smart and has a perfect score for deceptive skills! Some netizens have helped Corgi rehabilitate, thinking that it just wants to interact with the big dog.
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