Toys and gifts at the Canton Fair show a Christmas atmosphere

by:Ennas      2021-12-23

Recently, the second phase of the 118th Canton Fair opened in Guangzhou Pazhou Complex. The contents of the second phase of the Canton Fair are consumer goods, gifts, home decorations, etc. The exhibition period is from October 23rd to 27th. Some exhibitors set up a chinoiserie exhibition hall to attract popularity, and toy and gift companies expressed their hope to achieve better results at the end of the 'Christmas Order' production. Creative paper furniture, table football in the American drama 'FriendsBoth creative and high-tech elements. Some buyers also made time to visit other exhibition halls. In order to attract popularity, some exhibitors deliberately worked hard on the layout of the exhibition hall. From the exhibition hall of an antique furniture company in Ningbo, there is an antique wooden gatehouse, two red lanterns hung, and antique Ming and Qing elm cabinets outside the door, attracting many merchants to stop. Its staff told reporters, “Our products are sold in Europe and the United States, and we are made of antique furniture. Only when we decorate the'Chinese style' can we show the company’s product characteristics.” At the end of Christmas order production, some toy and gift companies Exhibits such as Christmas trees, Santa Claus, candles, and balloons were also displayed, making the exhibition area warm and interesting. The food staff of a Guangdong toy and gift company told reporters that participating in the Canton Fair not only hopes to win some new orders, but also hopes to learn more about the industry trend through the exhibition. I feel that intelligence, innovation and environmental protection are the future development direction of the industry.'   According to the Canton Fair official According to the latest statistics, there are 88,998 merchants in the first phase of the Canton Fair, which is 3,721 fewer than 92,719 in the same period of this year's Spring Fair (117th session), down 4%, and 7,395 fewer than 96,393 in the same period of last year's Autumn Fair (116th session). , A drop of 8%.
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