Toy Baba launches a toy sourcing tool for mobile phones

by:Ennas      2021-12-03

The opening of the 4G era and the emergence of mobile terminal equipment will certainly inject tremendous energy into the development of the mobile Internet. The mobile Internet industry in 2014 will surely bring an unprecedented leap. Baidu, as the world's largest search engine, is committed to making it easier for netizens to obtain information. Toy Baba combines these two to launch 'Toy Baidu'-a toy purchasing tool for mobile phones. Buyers only need to 'scan' the QR code on the WeChat public service platform of Toys Baba and follow them, and then they can have a mobile phone-side toy to purchase toys. Toy Baidu contains more than 500,000 toy products and more than 3,000 toy manufacturers. Buyers can select toy categories and search by price to find the products they need more quickly. In addition, a free sample search function is also set up. Use the camera function of the mobile phone to take a picture of the sample that needs to be searched and attach the detailed information, upload it to the toy Baba WeChat public service platform, and there will be a dedicated staff to help you find it. Toy Baidu is a toy purchasing tool on the mobile phone. The mobile Internet is a free gift for manufacturers for one year to promote them. Look for, develop a WeChat work service platform, seize the once-in-a-lifetime brand marketing opportunity, and quickly multiply the market with the least cost and the least price.
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