To ward off bad luck is an ancient ~ ~ _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-11
Core tip: to ward off bad luck is an ancient legend god beast, it is like a dragon, unicorn, is the ancient people imagined benevolent, a mysterious extraordinary capacity to wipe out an ominous, rid of evils and brings JiXiangPing to ward off bad luck is an ancient legend god beast, it is like a dragon, unicorn, is the ancient people imagined benevolent, with mysterious extraordinary ability to wipe out an ominous, rid of evils and bring peace and prosperity for the people. Is evil to the fu to 'monarch' is 'from', 'evil' or 'evil' and 'bad'. To ward off bad luck is a kind of pledge of the historical lessons, avoid repeating them. Broadly speaking, the folk use monarch fire,
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