To the national revival great picture - — National major historical themes art creation engineering exhibition sidelights

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: on September 22, the Xinhua News Agency President, national major historical themes Mr. Li, director of the art creation engineering art committee in to watch the traditional Chinese painting 'new China'. On the same day, by the central propaganda department, the ministry of culture, on September 22, the Xinhua News Agency President, national major historical themes Mr. Li, director of the art creation engineering art committee in to watch the traditional Chinese painting 'new China'. On the same day, sponsored by the propaganda department, the ministry of culture, Ministry of Finance major national historical themes art creation engineering exhibition national art museum of China opened in Beijing, 102 works on display. National major historical themes art creation engineering in our country's spectacular anti-imperialism, anti-feudalism, anti-colonial struggle and socialist revolution, construction and reform of the major historical events as the theme content, the selection of organization in our country at present has the creative power of outstanding artists, concentrated, created a number of performance since 1840, our country large thematic art works of important historical events. Kanera quickly taken 22 (Xinhua News Agency, the national important historical theme of art creation engineering exhibition is on display in the formal national art museum of China. 102 paintings and figurines, like a replay of history, recording the earth-shattering events one by one and reproduce the generations of the great and style, have gathered with 169 years of Chinese history, carrying a national Renaissance dream - one hundred from the humen figure 'yuanmingyuan disaster' 'zhang zhan tianyou fix Beijing railway' 'create a republic,' the may fourth movement ', to 'set sail - a big conference of the communist party of China' 'northern expedition' the nanchang uprising 'stationed jinggang' 'spring of zunyi' the Yellow River chorus, exile, rise of struggle, until the million mighty armies of the great river '' new China'; 'By the Chinese people since the opium war in 1840 mammoth anti-imperialism, anti-feudalism, anti-colonial struggle and socialist revolution and construction of major historical events as the theme' - in 2004, the national major historical themes art creation at the beginning of the project launched, is to establish creative content of them. Painting 'the creation' stationed jinggang, I spent more than two years before and after. 'Famous painters, liu dawei, chairman of the China artists association, before his giant pictures and introduce to the audience. 'Jinggang CPA is a very important event in the history of Chinese revolution, it laid the foundation for the reds this revolution team. In order to draw the picture, I re-read the history, heavy on jinggangshan, collect data, visiting scholars and the old man, as real and art is the special history. Bring together the three generations of artists elegantly with powerful thoughts and artistic appeal, make the audience pay homage. 'Selected works, reflect the highest form of thematic art creation in contemporary China, some of them is the classic, for our country and nation gave the precious spiritual wealth and material wealth. This project wrote a reality in Chinese art history. 'National major historical themes, Xinhua News Agency, director of the art creation engineering art committee li congjun said so. In order to create 'the ideological content and artistic manner' masterpiece, the central propaganda department, the ministry of culture and other relevant departments set up the national major historical themes art creation engineering arts council, each creator and its works are repeated many times review and guidance. Pavilion set up 'national major historical themes art creation engineering memorabilia, informative recorded since the establishment of the arts council is responsible for and guide the university engineering arduous journey, the audience from the organization to declare, discussion, centralized view of creation and the initial and final details of the work, experience the whole process of casting classic. In large ink before the westernization movement - a young children to stay in the United States, the fans and the author of the painting, guangzhou art academies young female painter Fang Rui photographs. 'I caught young when I first got to America in dress expression changes. They were very surprised, very novel, is also a loss; Clothes changed, but the braid must keep the qing; All of these details, took me to the history and think of today, has a special tension. '' to participate in this project, it is of great significance in my writing career. 'Fang Rui said,' we this generation of young artists as more personal feelings and personality, is the pursuit of artistic beauty, this time, make my creation consciousness and ethnic and national history together, walked out of the narrow personal inner vision to open a lot of, have the sense of history. This creative thinking had a positive influence on me. 'More than 100 works, different shock to the audience and recollections. The 81 - year - old Beijing audience Zhong Mengxiong told reporters that the most touched his work is 'the July 7th incident - the Marco Polo bridge'. 'This painting, brought me back to that time. The lugouqiao incident broke out, I was in second grade, calamus river house can live in Beijing. Is in the mind! '' thanks to these artists, let us review the history of our nation the pioneers of unforgettable. 'The old man's eyes flashing with tears.
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