To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China 'hero hymns' - Zhongyuan statuettes show

by:Ennas      2020-06-12
Core tip: according to the glorious history of zhengzhou city - — To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China of the mass culture series activity implementation plan arrangement, by the zhengzhou municipal party committee propaganda department, henan artists association, according to the glorious history of zhengzhou city - — To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China of the mass culture series activity implementation plan arrangement, by the zhengzhou municipal party committee propaganda department, henan artists association, culture bureau of zhengzhou city, zhengzhou city public arts, zhengzhou figurines mural courtyard to undertake the 'celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China' hero hymns '- — Zhongyuan small sculpture exhibition ', will be opened at 9 am on September 28. Exhibition to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding a state, to the leadership of the party and the theme of reform and opening up great achievements. 98 figurine works on display. On time for the September 28 - — On October 9, for zhengzhou city public arts exhibition site new square. ( Songshan road no. 166) Although the exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the time background, but works cover a broad range of concepts of time and space, both the martyrs and heroes, model, show our honor and reverence; Also has 'ordinary hero' -- - — The image of ordinary workers. The opening ceremony will be in chorus performance, the performance 'hero hymns' and so on 'red songs medley', as one of the exhibition activities and background music during the exhibition. In particular, the opening ceremony, but also will have special 'raw' character 'figurines' show. By the units concerned to take an active part in recommendations from all walks of life, and invited and volunteered to sign up for 32 volunteers from different jobs involved in the artistic creation. Performance of iron and steel, coal, petroleum, railway, municipal workers and farmers, teachers, nurses, police officers, fire officers and soldiers, the people's liberation army soldiers and other workers. To the real man to show what the real life, to the ordinary labor performance ordinary hero! As to the value of the workers identity; 'Heroes come from the people', 'people creating history', to express a wider, higher levels of the hero theme. Make people appreciate various heroes, feel pulse of The Times. At the same time, reflects the innovation of traditional figurines and the combination of behavior art, is also the figurine art form a new exploration. This exhibition carry forward the melody in the form of figurines, eulogizing new era, it is the embodiment of a small statue of celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the theme of cultural activities, also provide a special significance to the residents in the capital of cultural feast. At the same time also for the general figurines home to create a platform and opportunities to show them. Through this activity, promote the social understanding of the figurine art, to promote the figurine art creation, enhance the purpose of academic exchange. Enhances the interactivity and engagement of the masses, has strong cultural and social significance. Exhibition period will be held in zhengzhou public arts new exhibition hall in zhengzhou figurines mural retrospective court art achievements, to report back to the society to build school for more than 10 years of artistic achievement.
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