Tian Yue MinXiao statue of the traditional Chinese painting exhibition in Bangkok

by:Ennas      2021-09-26
Core tip: xinhua Bangkok on June 24 (Reuters) - Reporter BiShangHong) 'Visual Chinese dream - — Art world, 'Chinese artist Tian Yue MinXiao statue Chinese painting exhibition of the world, 23 xinhua Bangkok in Bangkok, Thailand, China, June 24 (Reuters) - Reporter BiShangHong) 'Visual Chinese dream - — Art world, 'Chinese artist Tian Yue MinXiao statue Chinese painting exhibition of the world, 23 in the Chinese culture center in Bangkok, Thailand. The exhibition with 'horse' as the theme, the exhibition of 30 Chinese painting works and 17 pieces of small sculpture image lifelike, vivid expression of the stead of powerful xiah, natural clever, won the audience's praise. The Chinese embassy in Thailand culture secretary, said Chen jiang works with practical technique to express the ideas of the author, style bold atmosphere, image lifelike, bring the audience feel close to the reality. He hopes to be able to through the exhibition to the Thai people know more about China's artistic creation, strengthening bilateral artist between the two countries learn from each other, and communication. Tian Yuemin participated in the national museum of China, the central academy of fine arts, Beijing exhibition center, the Anti-Japanese War memorial institutions such as the significant figurines creative work of the project, the work in the United States, Japan and other countries and regions, was highly recognized by Chinese and foreign art. Guests attended the opening ceremony of a total of more than 100 people, the exhibition will last until the 29th of this month. ( The original title: Tian Yue MinXiao statue of the traditional Chinese painting exhibition in Bangkok on)
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