Tian Xinfeng statuettes show: dialogue through time

by:Ennas      2021-10-09
Core tip: emotional pay Tian Xinfeng exhibition posters for two years and to keep improving Tian Xin peak exhibition will also be designed as Beijing design week trip part of the academic BBS meet with the audience. Photographer Zhou Tian letter peak exhibition poster emotional pay for two years and to keep improving Tian Xin peak exhibition will also as a trip to Beijing design week design part of the academic BBS meet with the audience. Photographer Zhou Zhiyi: hundreds of hours, with the beauty of the figurines of the second creation, shadow carving knife, without light. Photography is the second creation of the figurines. After seeing the original, more determined the photographer over conventional figurines photography was adopted for the light color background, black background idea: only in this way, to make work more powerful foil via a knife axe intense sense of carving out and after time after grinding of quiet beauty. Hasselblad camera maximum reduction of the simple sense of the figurines, and to find the most ideal shooting Angle, debug the most expressive lights, spend hours taken a piece of work become the norm, heavy stone, often need a few people together to move it. Stylist 龙佑玟 : dialogue with the artist's space-time field when the teacher works very touched, see the design process is very long, not just as a work to do, more like to work as a medium for a dialogue with the artist's space-time. The designer's work is very meticulous trivial, as a first step, how to find the design of the main line in mass material? In constant communication with their families, after tried several schemes, finally decided by material as a basis, Stone carving, wood carving, bronze, etc. ) From classical Chinese literature, and to find the words related to material lead, coincides with a field teachers over the years the understanding of Chinese traditional culture image and attempts to create a unique artistic atmosphere of the book. Cover the font design is a puzzle, from fell constantly search for the corresponding font and text and work quality, combined into set, at the end of the back cover of the book, select a large amount of image contrast, finally decided to choose abstract mechanism of the effect of the wood to represent Chinese aesthetic, and field teacher figurines theme echo. Printing: despite the high cost, producers chose to cooperate with domestic professional art album ya chang printing company, carefully controlled and choose a lot of pattern, finally confirm imports of coated paper, using of imported printing machine equipment, the most environmental printing ink, the strict production process, reducing long-lost 'elegant'. Exhibition space design and exhibition of projection and three-dimensional visual reconstruction: using the most advanced mobile scanning technology, for a small statue of the original data reconstruction, obtaining new design inspiration, try switching of different material to form a new artistic effect, through the projection display amplification effect, from the traditional put small statue of the exhibition hall exhibits to combine the new media displays, lighting design USES drama stage effects and enhance expressive force. Future plans in combination with 3 d printing technology, developing new derivatives. The future will be in the September 21 at 2 PM, together with the international fund for animal welfare across time and space in cross-border dialogue, how to use new media means to create beauty in art, promote animal environmental protection knowledge. 1, the beauty of passing on hand - — A knife a axe the years of grinding, enormous hardship and effort, rendering quality. Hope to pass such stick to the spirit. 2, monkeys, snow leopard, the panda, the category and other kinds of animals in the artist's early creation, artist early from his own point of view on these animals, fusion of animal protection concept, teamed up with the international fund for animal welfare ( IFAW) , launched during the seminar of exhibition, environmental protection and animal protection concept, called for more public attention to the subject. 3, such a developed day of media, we want to experience personally to the scene temperature and atmosphere, the artist to create works fine produced a year album also embodies the photographers and designers to understand the depth of the artists and moved, we hope to launch the raise allow this traditional book made to present the feeling of the art 4, passing the love of nature, love of daily life, the reality and the thinking of the future. Gratitude: Tian Xinfeng exhibition exhibition date: on September 18, 2016, Sunday) (to September 25, Sunday) Opening hours: Monday to Sunday morning 9:00 - Afternoon ticket exhibition location: Beijing chaoyang district huajiadi nanjie village hall 8, the central academy of fine arts teaching the opening time: on September 18, 2016, 10 o 'clock in the morning the organizer, the central academy of fine arts activities without registration or reservation, free to attend. Roll over in September 21 at 2 PM will also hand in hand to the international fund for animal welfare protection fund ( IFAW) Host animal protection ( Raptor protection) Related seminar, and invite the domestic most advanced 3 d scanning and figurines reconstruction team demonstrates how to use technology to design.
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