'Three small fat man' figurines appearance viewers praised cute in xinjiang

by:Ennas      2020-05-31
Core tip: the graph of the 'three small fat man' small sculpture. Ma Xinlong taken in small sculpture 'three small fat man'. 'Ma Xinlong taken on June 25, the first China international art biennale in xinjiang,' the three little people 'small sculpture. Ma Xinlong taken in small sculpture 'three small fat man'. Ma Xinlong taken on June 25, 'the first China international art biennale in xinjiang' in urumqi, 'three small fat man' figurines as an exhibition of art works, attracted the attention of the audience in xinjiang, the audience praised the work really cute. It is understood that the art including the main exhibition, special exhibition, thematic exhibition and WaiWeiZhan four plates, more than 700 paintings, video, installation, figurines, photography exhibition.
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