'Those lines on the bronze tripod'

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: ding - — Is the witness of civilization, but also the carrier of culture. Until now, the consciousness of the Chinese people still have a kind of tripod worship, 'ding' the word has also been endowed with 'famous', 'noble', 'big pot - — Is the witness of civilization, but also the carrier of culture. Until now, the consciousness of the Chinese people still have a kind of tripod worship, 'ding' the word has also been endowed with 'famous', 'noble', 'big' meaning. Such as ding ChengLongSheng, Xia Ding ShangYi, bell ding, well-known, narain, well-known, heyday, help, and so on, it's not hard to see people worship of the tripod. And many modern enterprises are named after the ding word, ding good moral is blended in among them. Animal head face is beast grain pattern, also is a kind of animal grain composition most primitive form. In chow bronze ornamentation, accounts for the largest number of. Since the song dynasty, this grain called gluttonous grain beast grain, see more at engraved on the bronze tripod. For the bridge of the nose line, symmetrical arrangement is made on both sides, the first is the top Angle, Angle under the eye, the image more specific those lines on the eye and eyebrow, some have ears on both sides, most of those lines have varicose claw, on both sides having left and right sides of trunk or tail, no beast of a body or in the form of a few short tail. All those lines are basically according to the model shape, just on the methods and techniques of expression, with the development of The Times.
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