'This YiYun - — Zhengzhou teachers university academy of fine arts exhibition 'will soon kick off in the gallery

by:Ennas      2021-10-03
Summary: in order to display and transmission of zhengzhou university academy of fine arts teachers team accumulated 15 years of artistic achievement, improve the external influence of academy of fine arts, by the national art museum of China, writer of Chinese artists association, in order to display and transmission of zhengzhou university academy of fine arts teachers team accumulated 15 years of artistic achievement, improve the external influence of academy of fine arts, the national art museum of China, the writer of Chinese artists association, the education department of henan province, zhengzhou university and other units as the host, artists association of henan province, zhengzhou university academy of fine arts to undertake 'this YiYun - — Zhengzhou teachers university academy of fine arts exhibition 'will be on July 30, 2015 at 2:30 p. m. in hosting the opening ceremony of the national art museum of China, and in the afternoon 4:00 PM - — 6 in national art museum of China attended the academic seminar on 7th floor. This exhibition will showcase academy of fine arts teachers and students to create high-quality goods more than 150 calendar year, including the traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, figurines, calligraphy, design, animation and other pictures. Works of this exhibition is a art academy of fine arts teachers to explore the essence of the show, embody a concentrated reflection of their unique artistic feeling, the techniques of the method of using, good capture of real life, as well as the art of the world. This exhibition, is the art of the central plains culture feast at the highest palace in Chinese art. In line with the demand of communication, learning, communication, improving and mission, the exhibition will invite famous domestic artists and art theorists discussion, guidance to academy of fine arts teachers work, in order to expand our foreign influence, enhance the level of our creation and dissemination of our creations, promote our artist team. The exhibition time for July 30, 2015 to August 7, 2015, the site for the Beijing national art museum of China. The exhibition is the academy of fine arts teachers work for the first time the collective show of the best art gallery in China, then looking forward to the vast majority of teachers and students went to the exhibition! Zhengzhou university academy of fine arts, July 10, 2015
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