Then the wind tooth sweet - — Ivory carving art in the Ming and qing dynasties _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-09-05
Core tip: ivory carving art of China, since the neolithic age have appeared, followed by after gradually development, all the quintessence of lives together on one. Selection is ivory carvings in the Ming and qing dynasties, the Ming and qing dynasties two toward the ivory carving art of China, since the neolithic age have appeared, followed by after gradually development, all the quintessence of lives together on one. Selection is ivory carvings in the Ming and qing dynasties, the Ming and qing dynasties two agitation effect towards the literati and fine teeth of 30 species, covering the full relief, relief of ivory carving skills and valuable. such handiwork, winding, weidiao, 髤 several aspects, such as color of paint, she to show the marvelous achievements of the ancient ivory carving art. Ming and qing dynasties, the booming city life, expanding overseas trade, under the time background, qualitative thick color beautiful, smooth, texture and magnificent ivory carvings gradually into the literary study, a change in the past by the imperial government monopoly situation. As easy to gather together at the same time, the ivory knife carving material, the carving and decoration are interlinked in harmony, can be printed, can is a pen, can is a inkstone, can is a pen Tian, can is a pen container, yi ke ZhuQi for dust or elegant. In addition, carved with auspicious implies deities, and nowhere not reveal the ancient literati's dream of China's accession to wto. 323 qing qianlong ivory heather color scene of birds do ivory carvings of Ming dynasty to make regional difference, in jiangnan, fujian province. The former more diao four ZhuQi, PuZhongQian, Li Wenfu, Zhu Xiaosong famous master in bamboo, wood, most full, tooth, the Angle of various materials to. chinese art Ming two generations of unprecedented prosperity. Is a film of the late Ming ivory card ( No. 301-304) The eight immortals and ivory birthday chart medicine bowl ( No. 309) To decrease to Yang wen techniques sculpture, the sculpture and the late Ming bamboo carving skills, same as for manufacturing, in the south of the Yangtze river in Ming dynasty and its carving content, or to describe natural flowers and birds, or to expect the imperial high school, or pray for longevity wealth, which embody the spirit of life of the philistines. Ivory the whole digging sunflower shaped four disc incense inserted ( No. 313) , modelling and production techniques common in late Ming dynasty suzhou rosewood from the same device, also has the late Ming dynasty, author described offered home-cooked volunteers 'close short neck pores' style, for the time and the personal character and the witness of life. Fujian province is one of the most important trade port in the Ming dynasty, the land carved ivory system according to the shape, carving more deities coats, ivory coats of taken ( No. 308) With SongZi guanyin ( No. 314) Image, dignified and elegant, round, carving out white porcelain statue and fujian dehua kiln in common, also for intellectuals ideal performance. 322 qing qianlong ivory black paint white space landscape figure pen container in qing dynasty is the height of ivory carvings. Build does. chinese place as a direct service in the royal court, serving up around major artisan into Beijing, mutual complement each other, forming the court of magnificent natural and graceful and elegant artistic style. At the same time, the localization of the manchu emperor, members of the culture and the combination of palace style, make the court. chinese showing a unique style. Is a lot of qing qianlong ivory heather color play bird figure group ( No. 323, left) ( Estimate 600000 - 700000 yuan) , will be more than the round combination for a dramatic scene, don't be creative, at the same time she color and dye, an ivory is inherently style, at the same time also will court life alive. Qing qianlong ivory black to white space landscape figure pen container ( No. 322, right) ( Estimate 450000 - 500000 yuan) , will decrease to carving techniques combined with 髤 paint technology, make the qianlong palace does innovation place, its landscape fishing theme reflects the style of Ming and qing literati paintings. Mid qing ivory heather color valuable. such handiwork ferro gourd shape pen Tian (double No. 320) , color, valuable. such handiwork and auspicious implies decorative function, also do not break Tian practicability, strong 'four a tool-using royal palace style. In the qing dynasty, the four objects of ivory carving techniques are also presented flowers, colorful of the situation. On the decoration both intaglio techniques developed to meet the requirements as soon as possible, No. 318, 319, 321) And process complex complex flower ( No. 316) , and then sigh for ghost axe micro carved stunt ( No. 330) 。 324 mid qing teeth like the round additive the eight immortals character stands resemble a set of Ming and qing dynasties era, is the peak of ivory carving in China, all kinds of technique innovation, constantly emerging. After the founding, with the party and the country's concern and support for ivory carving, the appearance of new subjects and new style. Is a lot of ivory carving Uighur girl like ( No. 331) , modeling realistic, carving methods sharp and polished round, original base intaglio 1961 production time, for the excellent work of arts and crafts of the People's Republic of China. In recent years, with China's accession to protect wildlife groups and signed the relevant agreement, as ivory carving art of raw materials of ivory has nearly dried up resources situation, so more of the value of ivory carving art in China.
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