
The whimsical world depicted by Mark through toys and ideas

by:Ennas      2021-12-21

Toy Mark has many customized toys in the locker, all of which he collected. Looking at toys of various images, Mark held the rough in his hand, and a new graffiti idea flashed in his mind. When the world is tired, Mark sits in those peculiar toy piles, squinting... the world should shine right now. Looking at each other in the workroom, Mark is holding the marker under the light and staring at the doll in his hand. The doll whose whole body is covered with pen seems to be looking at the person who gave it new life. He created a bunch of lifeless roughs, polished and smeared with his own hands, and turned into superheroes, monsters, demons, battle robots, monsters and ghosts. After Mark's re-creation of the work, many toys become unique works, exaggerated, novel and interesting. The Morning News reporter   Xiao Yun   photographed a dim work room. A tall man with tattoos was wearing a small lamp, holding a marker and looking left and right at the small toy in his hand. This man calls himself Mark. Mark was originally called Xia Liang, and he always liked to draw with marker pens, so he got this nickname. Mark’s family has a lot of customized toys. The so-called customized toys are remodeled toys. Many of Mark's lockers are the works of well-known designers at home and abroad, but more of them are unique works that have been modified by himself. He said, “The toy is actually a deep pit. Once you fall into it, you can’t climb out!” In the few days when Mark moved into the new studio, the furniture was not ready yet, but he had prepared the workbench and lamp. Okay, thinking about a dirty doll. It turned out that the landlord wanted to discard the toy that Mark had taken over. When the reporter saw the doll, its whole body was covered with marker pens, which resembled Mark's tattoo. The graffiti also contained a variety of weird shapes, full of the taste of American street art. In fact, Mark was afraid of drawing when he was a child, especially afraid of handing in art assignments. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I suddenly became interested in painting. From then on, it was out of control, painting everything and painting everywhere. The most mischievous time, Mark actually painted on a fire hydrant, was caught by the police uncle, and gave him a stern education...Later, Mark applied for the design college and started 'formal training'At the time, there was a toy store near the school. The first time I got there, I was hooked!' Mark recalled. At that time, he went there to buy toys every other day, bought a lot, and handed it in with the owner of the toy store. Friends, also play and research new toys together. Over time, the ready-made toys could not satisfy Mark's appetite. On the eve of graduation, Mark began to create his own toys, redesign the shapes and props, and reassemble and color some designs after processing in the factory. As short as 3 days, as long as 3 months. Speaking of the creative process, Mark prefers to concentrate the creative content in the early stage, and then earnestly implement the work according to the design shape, without adding or subtracting elements because of accidental inspiration. He believes that the important thing is to stay true to the first sense. In this way, a bunch of lifeless dolls became superheroes, monsters, demons, battle robots, monsters and ghosts in his hands. 'Some of the shapes are really exaggerated, but there are still many doll lovers who love it. That's enough!' Mark exclaimed. Now, Mark has his own studio and is engaged in the design of cartoon characters. In his opinion, in this era of Internet language prevalence, his skills can shine. 'The definition of toys for me may be the existence of a carrier. I prefer this carrier. I use toys to combine some of my own ideas to depict a recent whimsical world.' Mark said as he wrote Cross Over( Crossover)’s artistic font, “Hehe, just now, I named the studio!” The new work is finished, and Mark seems tired. He sat in those peculiar toy piles and squinted his eyes...
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