
The warring states period 'dragon's' ( Figure) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-10-25
Core tip: 'dragon's' long before the zhou dynasty of the Chinese nation have the custom of peja jade, this group of people to green jade carvings into dragon page from the warring states period, 20. 5 cm and 7 wide. 8 cm, thick 0. 75 cm. 'Dragon's' long before the zhou dynasty of the Chinese nation have the custom of peja jade, this set with green jade carvings into dragon page from the warring states period, 20. 5 cm and 7 wide. 8 cm, thick 0. 75 cm. Like this size is so big and well-preserved peja jade is quite rare. Green jade, local grey shading; The table BoQin more layers of ash white spot. Carving for a pair of orbiting overhead, imposing manner the lithe dragon. Laying on diao GuWen, grain lines, often carved the flock print volume hook. As a typical style of the warring states period. Archaeological and diaspora or handed down from ancient times, the warring states to a very abundant, jade dragon shape in pairs so grow up, but there is little size and appearance elegant, carver exquisite taste. This should be the most noble at the time, can have, in the beginning wek-jin and symbol of the identity.
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