The United States Police Union intends to file a lawsuit to prohibit toy vendors from making realistic toy guns

by:Ennas      2022-01-05
The Cleveland Police Department in Ohio, the United States, had previously caused a large-scale protest after a policeman shot and killed a 12-year-old boy holding a toy gun [Global Network Comprehensive Report] According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Network on May 4, Ohio, the United States The Cleveland Police Department had previously caused a large-scale protest after a policeman shot and killed a 12-year-old boy holding a toy gun. The city’s police union recently decided to initiate a lawsuit against manufacturers of children’s toy guns, banning them from making toys that are too realistic. In 2014, a 12-year-old black boy in Cleveland, Tamir Rice, was mistaken for a real gun by police officers because he was holding a fake toy ****. The boy was shot twice, resulting in the boy's death. . In 2015, the grand jury refused to file a lawsuit against the police officer who shot the boy. After that, the design of the toy gun became the focus.   On May 1, Henry Gallo, an attorney for the Cleveland Police Patrol Association, told reporters: These simulated toys put the community at risk and also put law enforcement officials at risk, so we must do something.   According to reports, the police officer who answered the call did not remind colleagues in advance that the gun in the boy's hand looked like a toy gun. Because of this, the relevant police officers were also punished.   According to reports, after the above shooting incident, many people believed that the Rice incident was just one of the many police killings of unarmed African Americans, which led to a nationwide protest. A 15-year-old student in the United States who reported the case raised a toy gun to the police and was tragic. He was killed on the spot by the police. A police officer shot and killed a student in San Diego, California. A 15-year-old student holding a toy gun was driven by the police in the parking lot of a middle school. Shot dead.   Taiwan media quoted the Associated Press report on May 8 that a student at Torrey Pines Middle School reported to the police at about 3:30 am on Saturday (6th) and asked the police to come to the school to check a young man in front of the school. The student who reported to the police did not report his name, but it was later confirmed that he was the student who was killed.   Two policemen arrived at the scene after receiving the call and found a young man in front of the school parking lot. The police said that when the police got off the car, the young man suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed at them. The police then drew his gun and ordered the young man to put down his weapon. But instead of observing the young man, he stepped towards the police officer. After repeated warnings were invalid, two policemen fired multiple shots at him.   The police later gave first aid to the young man who was shot, but he had lost his skills. Afterwards, it was confirmed that he was in possession of a toy gun with BB bullets. (Yangtze River Net)
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