The toy category skyrocketed by 434.7%, and the order volume recovered by nearly 80%! Is the market really picking up?

by:Ennas      2022-01-15
The seller said that the overall order volume has been increasing, and the order volume of the US station has recovered 80%. 'France will gradually unblock it from May 11, Australia will gradually loosen its social distancing policy from May 8th, and Serbia will lift the national emergency on May 6... News of overseas unblocking and resumption of work and production continues to come, which may mean As a new wave of consumer demand is about to be released, many cross-border sellers have noticed that the cross-border e-commerce market has already shown signs of recovery. From a sharp decline to an overall rebound, it is recommended to properly stock up. An Amazon seller told that although there was no order burst in May, the overall order volume has been increasing, and the order volume of its US station has recovered 80%. Now it depends on who has more inventory. He suggested that at this time, you can properly stock up in advance through FBA and overseas warehouses. According to the current situation, if the order situation continues to improve, he will consider restarting the new employee recruitment plan. According to a feedback from a Wish seller, the total number of orders in the store has doubled recently. In early April, a wave of prices was forced to rise due to the increase in logistics, and the order volume dropped sharply. Starting from mid-to-late April, the order volume has picked up. Years ago, there were six to seven hundred orders a day. Now the order quantity is still unstable. On May 1st, there were more than 400 orders a day. Regarding the stocking issue, he said that he would not stock too much, as usual. Although some countries have unblocked and will release a wave of consumer demand, logistics has not returned to normal, and it will take some time for the purchasing power of overseas consumers to recover. Therefore, there is no need to rush to stock up, but sellers must always pay attention to the recovery of overseas markets. . The cargo volume gradually recovered and the toy category skyrocketed by 434.7%. In the case of intensified overseas epidemics, Brazil's customs offices worked at home from March 23 to April 22, leading to the stagnation of many customs affairs. Sheng Qijun, sales director of Shanghai Yichuan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., told that since February, Brazil’s ports have been severely affected. The cargo volume of Rio Grande Port has dropped by 50%, followed by Santos (28%) and Figures. Barang (23%); since March, the freight volume has gradually recovered, but it has decreased compared with the past; after April, if some customs officers return to their posts on April 23, customs clearance will proceed normally. Production has gradually returned to normal, shipments have also increased year-on-year, and the number of new stock sellers has increased significantly. learned that due to the impact of the epidemic, offline shops and public places in Brazil have suspended operations, and the vast majority of people have converted offline transactions to online consumption. Therefore, in March and April, Brazilian online orders increased by 30% to 40% compared to the same period last year. However, the products whose sales have soared are mainly anti-epidemic products, household items, indoor sports, food, etc. According to the product e-commerce research during the Covid-19 pandemic, from March 1 to April 25, 2020, after analyzing 25 million orders in more than 4,000 online stores, the study only considers physical products. Online sales, excluding services such as travel and tourism or mobile applications, showed that: toys and games categories increased by 434.70%, supermarkets (270.16%), sporting goods (211.95%), household appliances (96.66%) and cosmetics ( 88.02%) growth. If there is no epidemic, Brazil's sales volume will definitely increase at this stage. Whether it is pre-stocking or final delivery, shipments will be doubled. However, due to the epidemic, in March of this year compared with the same period last year, in addition to products such as anti-epidemic supplies, the order volume of cross-border e-commerce platforms has decreased by more than 50%. As the overall order volume has declined, our business in the Brazilian market has also decreased. It has been affected, but since April, the order volume has rebounded and has recovered to about 80% of last year's. In May, I believe the situation will be better. Sheng Qijun said. The overseas epidemic is still severe and the recovery time may be lengthened. Regarding the signs of the market recovery, some sellers hold different views. They believe that the recovery time may be lengthened, and their biggest concern is the logistics problem. Logistics prices can't drop, how can they pick up? No matter how you go back, you can't get back to what it was like last year. In addition, it will take some time for the epidemic situation and the resumption of work abroad. Only when there is income from the return to work, will there be more consumption. It's okay to resume work when the epidemic is under control, but now the foreign epidemic has not been under control, and it may even rebound. According to, the number of new cases in the United States is still hovering at a high level. As of 09:00 on May 8th, a total of 1,292,144 cases of new coronavirus pneumonia have been diagnosed in the United States, a total of 216,856 cases have been cured, and a total of 76,908 deaths. Affected by the epidemic, there are still many uncertain factors in the US market and the logistics channels are not smooth. Amazon recently announced that due to large-scale shipping cancellations and restrictions, the United States Postal Service has temporarily sent international mail services to certain destinations. Another broke the news that a well-known American logistics company basically did not accept the goods and was in a state of paralysis. A survey published by the US media shows that in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, where the epidemic is the most severe, more than two-thirds of the people believe that the local government should give priority to epidemic prevention. Among them, 71% said that government officials should focus on implementing stay-at-home orders and fighting the epidemic. Only about 26% said that the state government should shift its focus to resuming production and work. Therefore, the resumption of work and production in the United States is not as easy as imagined, and the real market recovery may take longer. For sellers, the market recovery is a positive sign, but how to make adequate preparations during the recovery period is a question that every seller must think about next.
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