The three-child birth policy is coming, and concept stocks such as Gaole shares and Legg Mason are growing

by:Ennas      2022-01-17
To actively respond to the aging of the population, my country will introduce major policies and measures. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on May 31. The meeting pointed out that further optimizing the childbirth policy, implementing the policy that a couple can have three children and supporting supporting measures will help improve my country’s population structure and implement the national strategy to actively respond to the aging of the population. Maintain the advantages of our country's human resources endowment. Affected by the news, A-share second-child concept stocks, such as Gao Le shares, rose late. The trading market showed that the overall increase of the second-child concept sector was 1.72%. Specifically, Gaole shares opened lower by 2.66 yuan/share today, and reached a daily limit in late trading. The closing price was 2.94 yuan/share, an increase of 10.11%. The opening price of Beinmate was 5.54 yuan/share, and it hit the daily limit in the late trading. Finally, it closed at 6.01 yuan/share, an increase of 8.09%, and the intraday highest price was 6.12 yuan/share. The second-child concept stocks that also rose late in the market also included Baby-friendly Room. The opening price of Baby-friendly Room was RMB 26.03 per share and the closing price was RMB 27.73 per share, closing up 7.02%. It is understood that the above three main businesses are all related to baby products. Gaole Co., Ltd. is a leading domestic electronic and electric plastic toy export company. It was listed in 2010. It is one of the earliest listed toy companies in China. It develops cooperatively with the dual main business of toy + Internet education. The main business is development, design, production and operation. Educational industry chain businesses such as fashion toys, children’s products and Internet education, education and training. May 31. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on May 31 to listen to reports on major policies and measures to actively respond to population aging during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and to review the 'Decision on Optimizing Fertility Policies to Promote Long-term and Balanced Population Development.' Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. The meeting pointed out that actively responding to population aging is related to national development and people's livelihood and is an important measure to achieve high-quality economic development and maintain national security and social stability. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various regions and departments have conscientiously implemented the Party Central Committee’s decision and deployment on actively responding to the aging of the population, and accelerated the improvement of the social security system and the elderly care service system, and various tasks have achieved remarkable results. The meeting emphasized the need to implement the national strategy to actively respond to population aging, and accelerate the establishment and improvement of relevant policy systems and institutional frameworks. It is necessary to steadily implement the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age, actively promote the national overall planning of basic old-age insurance for employees, improve the multi-level old-age security system, explore the establishment of a long-term care insurance system framework, and accelerate the construction of an old-age care that is coordinated with home community institutions and combines medical care Service system and health support system, develop the aging industry, promote the transformation and upgrading of various fields and industries, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of filial piety and respect for the elderly of the Chinese nation, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. Party committees and governments at all levels should improve and improve the aging work system, increase financial investment, improve the financial investment policy and multi-channel financing mechanism for the development of aging undertakings, and provide the necessary guarantee for actively responding to the aging of the population. The meeting pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has successively made major decisions and deployments such as the implementation of the two-child policy and the comprehensive two-child policy in accordance with my country's population development and changes, which have achieved positive results. At the same time, the total population of our country is huge, and the aging of the population has deepened in recent years. Further optimizing the childbirth policy, implementing the policy that one couple can have three children and supporting supporting measures will help improve my country's population structure, implement the national strategy to actively respond to the aging population, and maintain my country's human resource endowment advantages. The meeting emphasized that party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen overall planning, policy coordination and work implementation, organize the implementation of the three-child birth policy in accordance with the law, promote the coordination of birth policies and related economic and social policies, and improve the population impact assessment mechanism of major economic and social policies. We must consider marriage, childbirth, parenting, and education, strengthen the education and guidance of marriage and family views of married young people, control bad social customs such as bad marriages, high-priced gifts, improve the level of prenatal and postnatal care services, and develop a universal childcare service system , Promote education equity and the supply of high-quality educational resources, and reduce family education expenditures. It is necessary to improve the maternity leave and maternity insurance system, strengthen taxation, housing and other supporting policies, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women in employment. For single-child families and rural family planning double-daughter families before the comprehensive two-child policy adjustment, the current incentive and assistance systems and preferential policies should continue to be implemented. It is necessary to establish and improve a comprehensive support and protection system for special family planning families, improve the support and care work mechanism led by the government and participate in social organizations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of family planning families. It is necessary to deepen the research on the national medium and long-term population development strategy and regional population development planning to promote the long-term balanced development of the population.
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