The symbol of power and status - bronze

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Summary: China is the hometown of clock, ancient bronze, as an important component of the Chinese bronze culture, reflects the great history and culture of the Chinese nation. But also the precious treasure of traditional science and technology research in China. China is the hometown of clock, ancient bronze, as an important component of the Chinese bronze culture, reflects the great history and culture of the Chinese nation. But also the precious treasure of traditional science and technology research in China. What are then the morphology of bronze? It is a symbol of what? Wen Liang cast bronze series factory for you to explain it in detail. 'Zhong Qinqin drum, drum drum music. 'From the' drum bell 'as early as in primitive society, the clock will appear as a sacrificial vessel. At a time when the society is still relatively backward, making the clock of the material is crude. Mainly wood, bamboo, and bronze in the first period is in chow period, bronze culture has just started at that time. At the same time, the feudal rulers casting giant bronze scepter, bell is the symbol of the ruling class, is a sign of power and status. As Buddhism was introduced into China, bronze is a multiplier and indispensable to the buddhist temple. Temple temple bell echoed more added in unique aura of mystery. But with the progress of era bronze both in form and process is gradually improve. Bell shape is two kinds, one kind is with high cylinder new, about the mouth both sides highlighted as crescent; Another kind of New York is at the top of the flat, some new fell beast form, under the bell mouth is flat.
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