The sex of avalokitesvara

by:Ennas      2021-09-17
Core tip: many people don't know the sex of avalokitesvara, avalokitesvara is male, or a woman? Now Wen Liang tripod for the various information research company: avalokitesvara predecessor many people don't know the sex of the avalokitesvara, avalokitesvara is male, or a woman? Now Wen Liang tripod for the company by the various information research: avalokitesvara predecessor is a male. We see worship avalokitesvara, is more reflection. Avalokitesvara was in fact a man. Before the tang dynasty in our country the goddess of mercy as belong to men. In the avatamsaka sutra says: 'brave husband witnessing'. Is male. As to avalokitesvara in the world is now more female body reason has 2:1, the goddess of mercy to much bitter beings for clients, and in human beings, with women all the pain for the most, so many women in the body, and become a woman, and guide them towards liberation avenue. Although 2, female and all the pain, but the heart of the soft charity is better than a man. A mother's love, in particular, the goddess of mercy knew the world great motherly love, so everywhere in the female body, to humanize the worldly woman, a mother's love in the world would be purified and expand, to love all beings, achievement is enlightenment. Reflection is the goddess of mercy with the class should be in, rather than a true gender.
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