The seismic song long

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core tip: by the painter, figurines, hosted by the China central academy professor Hou Yimin paper sketch works 'seismic song' long, May 7 solstice exhibited in the China millennium monument in Beijing in early June. This picture 2. 4 by the painter, figurines, hosted by the China central academy professor Hou Yimin paper sketch works 'seismic song' long, May 7 solstice exhibited in the China millennium monument in Beijing in early June. This picture 2. The big 4 meters, 180 meters long scroll, creation in general JingBing way, by the China central academy dozens of students and teachers for more than 300 days to creation. Zhuhai painters, now, the central academy of fine arts the Chinese society of mural frescoes Cheng Biao high research class, is the production of one of the planning, design, creative staff. This picture from the start when the earthquake strikes, to the people's liberation army (PLA) and the crowd around the rescue, next is the support around the country, the national mourning, finally the hope primary school. In a typical valley characteristics for transition, span for the months of the entire process of disaster relief, by 148, eight feet the whole mission is given priority to with freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting lines of expression, dignified, color pure, the more accurate and vivid picture, full of appeal.
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