The second international figurines of Qingdao art festival opening poly cieme masterpieces by famous writers

by:Ennas      2021-09-12
Core tip: one by one with dozens of tons of works fine carved stone figurines, let cieme in shandong public view. In the morning of 23, the second Qingdao international art festival of small statue officially opened, from one by one with dozens of tons of works fine carved stone figurines, let cieme in shandong public view. In the morning of 23, the second Qingdao international art festival of small statue officially opened, 46 from 12 countries such as Germany figurines home with 60 figurines. According to introducing, the figurines free for people to visit, will continue to the end of the 25th of this month. 'These small sculpture exhibition, there will be a part of cieme forever. 'Yesterday morning, the relevant person in charge of shandong jimo Wen Guangxin bureau, told reporters in 60 pieces of small sculpture exhibition, there are 20 cieme investment 2 million yuan, invited a number of international figurines master tailor. After the exhibition, the works will be cieme economic development zone in mountain leisure park, dedicated to building a small sculpture garden as the theme of the figurine. After the completion of the figurines park, will also be introduced around the world to Marine culture and cieme one thousand years of cultural history as the theme of all sorts of small sculpture. ( the
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