The quality of Chinese toys is uneven, encouraging the creation of independent brands

by:Ennas      2021-12-22 (Reporter Zhao Jianying) 'The story of Little Red Riding Hood is so simple, the description of the toy can be written wrong.' Chen Dian, who lives in Hepingli, Beijing, took a toy description for reporters to read, 'Look forward A few pages are Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, and the last page becomes Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma.” The reporter found in the interview that although China is the world’s largest toy producer, the quality is uneven. Many designs are copied from foreign products and developed independently. The level is low, and there are very few independent brands.   The reporter's investigation found that most of the top 10 toy sales companies in the world have entered the Chinese market through sales agents or the establishment of a Chinese marketing department, and most toy companies are producing in my country. “The toys that I bought back from the sea are actually made domestically, which shows that we can fully reach this level of technology.” Ms. Cao, who works in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing, told reporters, but the domestic toy manufacturers’ self-owned brand toys are not good. Woolen cloth? The reporter learned that there are currently more than 20,000 toy manufacturers in China and more than 6,000 enterprises above designated size. About 75% of the world’s toys are produced in China, but the market concentration is low, and there is a lack of independently developed and designed products and independent brands. . The reporter contacted a toy manufacturer in Guangzhou based on the phone number marked on the toy. The person in charge of this company told the reporter that most of them did not have a dedicated toy designer. If you do more research and development, you won’t be able to make any money.”    “This is also no way. Most of our domestically produced toys stay at the middle and low-end standards, with a single variety, and the cost of entering the mall is too high.” A large-scale business in Dongcheng District, Beijing At the wholesale market stall, a toy salesperson told reporters that there is a large price gap between local toys and international brands. Therefore, they have strong competitiveness in the middle and low-end markets and basically monopolize the general wholesale market and small businesses. Hawker. A domestic brand toy manufacturer who did not want to disclose his name said: 'In fact, we can't be completely blamed. For example, if we produce according to foreign standards, the price will definitely increase. But will consumers choose us? I think Not necessarily.”    When the reporter asked parents in some large shopping malls in Beijing whether they would buy domestic toys if they were of the same quality, many parents showed a more entangled attitude. 'Anyway, in the current design and manufacturing situation, we usually choose foreign brands. Of course, the price is moderate. If the quality is good, we should also choose.' said a parent who brought his children to buy toys in Toys R Us.   The reporter saw in Beijing Phoenix Hui that the brands in the toy area are all from foreign countries and Hong Kong. There are no mainland brands. An ordinary wooden toy is priced at 199 yuan, while most domestic brands in the wholesale market sell for less than 100 yuan. It is worth noting that after occupying the high-end market of domestic toys, the major foreign toy manufacturers are moving to second-tier cities.   According to data from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, since 2009, the number of imported toys has increased sharply every year. The Chinese market with a huge population base has become a big cake in the eyes of toy giants, but domestic toy companies have long stayed in a labor-intensive state of OEM for foreign brands.
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