The new United States issued the 'Standard Consumer Product Safety Performance Specifications for Recumbent and Sitting Strollers (ASTM F833-13b)'

by:Ennas      2021-12-02

From January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2013, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) received a total of about 1,300 accident reports related to strollers, including four fatal accidents. Therefore, in order to improve the safety of infants and children's four-wheel horizontal and sitting strollers, and prevent the death and injury of infants and children, CPSC recently voted unanimously to approve a new federal mandatory standard. Recumbent baby stroller refers to a wheeled stroller that carries a baby in a lying position; a sitting stroller is a wheeled stroller used to carry a child in a sitting or semi-reliant position, which is pushed by one person. The handle of the stroller is usually used for children from infancy to 36 months. The range of strollers covered by the new standard has been expanded. In addition to full-size 2D and 3D sitting strollers that fold from back to front (or from front to back), side-folding strollers, and travel strollers (including car safety) Seats), tandem tandem, side-by-side tandem strollers, multi-person strollers and jogging baby strollers. The new federal standard integrates the voluntary standard 'Standard Consumer Product Safety Performance Specifications for Recumbent and Sitting Strollers (ASTM F833-13b)' issued in December 2013, and addresses the problems related to multi-angle/adjustable armrests. Folder risk. In addition, the new safety standards also address the risks associated with baby strollers reported to the agency, including accidents caused by hinges, which usually result in the risk of crushing, cutting or severing fingers or arms, and the risk of wheels breaking and falling off. Parking brake failures, locking mechanism problems, children's self-unlocking of safety buckles, and restraint problems such as broken or separated restraints, as well as structural integrity and stability are required.  According to statistics, from 2009 to June 2013, the US CPSC notified a total of 20 unqualified baby strollers, including 16 baby strollers, accounting for 80% of the total number. Reasons for notification include risks of fall, suffocation, and strangulation. In 2013, there were 175 batches of baby strollers exported from Ningbo to the United States with a value of 3.5720 million US dollars. Compared with the 596 batches exported in 2012, the value was 11.463 million US dollars. The frequency of promulgation and updates in developed countries in Europe and the United States is increasing. How to quickly respond to technical trade measures and reduce the resulting losses is an urgent issue for enterprises to solve. The inspection and quarantine department hereby reminds that, first of all, baby and stroller companies should pay close attention to the revision and entry into force of the new standards of exporting countries, and actively look for policies and trends to facilitate early digestion and response; secondly, companies should improve their safety and quality control systems and establish sound risks. Assess, design and production testing are carried out in strict accordance with the new standards to avoid the time difference between the replacement of the old and the new standards, which will cause the products to be recalled and cause unnecessary losses; in addition, currently, the baby strollers exported from Ningbo area are harmful to the European Union and other developed countries. In order to reduce the impact caused by standard upgrades, companies should actively explore new markets.
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